Hunger Strike by Nikos Maziotis

Not a day has passed since the publication of the text about what care the “penitentiary” system provides and that gives the blackmail condition for the external guard of Domokos prison. Today, the external guard of Domokos prison with its own commander in charge refused to transfer me to the hospital of Lamia for an orthopedic examination concerning a 3rd degree rupture of the gastrocnemius muscle because I did not accept the undignified and degrading way of body search. I did not refuse a body search in general, I refused the humiliating way they want. They are essentially blackmailing me, putting my health at risk in order to get the care I am entitled to.

In response to the blatant violation of my rights, I am going on hunger strike as of today (14/5/2024) with a request to be transferred to the hospital of Lamia without suffering the humiliating way of investigation demanded by the external guard of Domokos prison.

This request concerns not only this case but any case of treatment requiring transfer to a hospital for examination, surgery or treatment while I am still in prison.

Nikos Maziotis, condemned for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle

Domokos prison

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