Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis: About Christos Tsoutsouvis and the Palestinian Nakba

But history has been turned upside down

They loved the slain, he was clean


The Anti-State Struggle marks the first organized attempt of the Greek anarchist movement to position itself in the real and consistent way with the revolutionary project. The leveling of a prosecutor identified a strategic line over time necessary for the defense of the social movement and the advance of the subversive struggle: direct conflict with the counterrevolution. That’s why for years the slogan “Theofanopoulos was the beginning, this will be the end of every judge” was heard in the streets. The battle of Gyzi, in which the anarchist guerrilla Christos Tsoutsouvis fell, expressed the determination that corresponds to revolutionary consistency. The popular world identified with the truth of the practical path of the anarchist revolutionary. Christos Tsoutsouvis became an indestructible signifier of the subversive struggle.

The battle of Gyzi coincides with the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, the great persecution. From the time of the Anti-State Struggle until today, the guerrilla struggle in Greece continues from different paths, defined by internationalism and with significant focuses against the global domination of the Euro-American capitalist metropolis. The existential need of the guerrilla is not the identity and values of his decision but the strengthening of the struggle, the response to class need. We honor the martyrs of the revolution by upgrading the struggle. We pick up our own story as much as we manage to subversively interfere with the history of the bosses. The iron-clad rulers who are massacring the global South continue untouched behind their borders. The sacrifices of the beautiful dead await historical vindication.

The surprise is still being played

Life is still at stake… » *

Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis

14 May 2024

Domokos Prison

*from a poem by Katerina Gogou about Christos Tsoutsouvis. Full here: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1625227/

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