Anarchist Political Prisoner, Malik Muhammad, is on Hunger Strike and Needs Help!

2020 uprising rebel and political prisoner Malik Muhammad is currently being held in solitary confinement. Prison staff took away all of his property and put him in a cell with no bed, no blanket, and no shirt. He has a slipped disk in his back and previous shoulder injuries that make sleeping on the hard floor torturously painful, and he cannot be sleeping without a bed. Prison staff have also been blasting the AC in his cell nonstop and kept it punishingly freezing. Malik has been on hunger strike since May 13 and will continue until prison staff give him a bed and blanket and return his rightful property to him.


superindendent Corey Fhuere
__ (503) 378-2453 then press 4 __

segregation unit
__ (503) 378-2115 __


“Hello, I’m calling to demand that OSP staff end their persecution of Malik Muhammad , who is bravely on hunger strike to protest being held in torturous conditions in solitary confinement. OSP staff are violating his human rights and have a legal responsibility to provide him with adequate living conditions. OSP staff must immediately provide him with a bed, a blanket, adequate clothing, reasonable room temperature, and any other medical needs he has due to his health conditions. OSP staff must also immediately return his rightful property to him and restore his communication and visitation rights. End this injustice against Malik now!”

You can stay in touch with Malik by:

Writing him a letter at:
Malik Muhammad
Oregon State Penitentiary
2605 State Street
Salem, OR 97310

Visiting his blog at: