Resistance Carries Out First Air Strike on Zionist Entity Since 1973

The Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah – announced that it had targeted the settlement of Metula, and a Zionist garrison and vehicles in the vicinity of the settlement’s military site through an attack drone armed with two S5 rockets.

The airstrike marked the first-ever airstrike launched by Lebanon, Hezbollah’s first-ever airstrike, and the first airstrike to be carried out against the occupation since the October 1973 war.

In its statement, the resistance said that when the drone reached the designated point, it fired two rockets at one of the vehicles and the soldiers gathered around it, inflicting devastating damage on the occupation forces before then carrying out a kamikaze attack on the designated target.

For its part, Zionist media reported that Hezbollah used, for the first time, a drone armed with S5 rockets, an air-to-surface missile, to attack Metula.

Reports said the Ziv Medical Center received three soldiers wounded by a drone strike near Metula, “one of them was very seriously wounded, and the other two were lightly wounded.”

Moreover, the Resistance in Lebanon announced attacking a drone jamming device in the Jal al-Deir outpost on the Blue Line.

Hezbollah said it launched a drone attack on the “War Ministry’s industrial facilities in Tel Hai”, north of Kiryat Shmona, in response to the Zionist attack on industrial facilities in the Lebanese Bekaa region.

Hezbollah bombed the David Cohen factory of the Elbit Military Industries Company in Tel Hai.

The David Cohen factory struck in the attack specializes in producing electronic systems for the Zionist forces, the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon said.

The Resistance on Thursday carried out numerous operations, including on the Summaqa and Jal al-Alam military sites, as well as the Israeli settlement of Nafah.

The Resistance in Lebanon announced carrying out an operation whereby it launched more than 60 Grad rockets on the command quarters of the 210th Division in Nafah, the Kela air defense barracks, and the Yoav camp for artillery support.

Escalating drone strikes

The occupation military confirmed that a sensitive military site was hit in a Hezbollah drone attack near occupied Tabarayya on Wednesday.

The occupation military said two suicide drones were launched toward Tabarayya, noting that one of them was shot down while the other hit a military base housing surveillance balloons.

The Zionist newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth said Hezbollah’s second drone hit a sensitive security site housing a large surveillance balloon in Tal Shamaim near the Golani junction.

The newspaper’s military correspondent, Yoav Zitun, suggested that Hezbollah’s strike was in response to the assassination of commander Hussein Makki near the southern Lebanese town of Tyre on Tuesday.

Hezbollah had announced that its Resistance fighters launched an aerial attack using several kamikaze drones on the Ilaniya base west of Tabarayya, targeting part of the comprehensive surveillance and detection system of the Zionist Air Force.

The Lebanese Resistance group confirmed that the specified targets were hit accurately, achieving the intended objectives of this limited operation.

Hezbollah added that the operation came in response to the assassinations carried out by the occupation forces.

‘A strategic achievement for Hezbollah’

Avi Ashkenazi, a military analyst in Maariv, described the drone attack in Tal Shamaim as “extremely important in terms of its impact,” adding that the occupation military is investigating the incident to determine whether the drone entered from the border with Lebanon, Syria, or other borders.

Ashkenazi reiterated that the attack is being “comprehensively investigated at the highest levels” as the latest incident was “very difficult and dangerous.”

The military analyst said the estimations indicate that the drone entered through Lebanon, crossed a distance, and exploded near a military facility, causing further damages as well.

Zionist security and military affairs expert, Yossi Melman, said the fact that a drone successfully evaded the anti-air systems and reached the location of the large surveillance balloon in Tal Shamaim is a “strategic achievement for Hezbollah.”

Meanwhile, the Zionist website Mivzakim stated that the infiltration of the drone represents a serious failure for the anti-air systems, adding that the occupation military is investigating the way Hezbollah succeeded in slashing the advanced system of the Israeli Air Force.

Zionist media also suggested that this was Hezbollah’s “biggest achievement” since the beginning of the war, where it managed to successfully destroy one of the most expensive and advanced anti-air systems in the entity.

The media pointed out that the Zionist regime intended to deploy multiple systems all over occupied Palestine through the targeted surveillance balloon, noting that the balloon is used as a key tool in the Zionist anti-air system against missiles and drones.

Experts explained that the targeted balloon, flying at an altitude of up to 4000 meters, detects threats from long distances and provides accurate information about them, before transferring the data to Zionist security systems, such as the Iron Dome or David’s Sling.

Palestinian Resistance bombards the occupiers

The Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, targeted a command and control site, east of Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip using mortar shells.

As intense clashes with the Zionists continued in the same area, the brigades targeted five Merkava 4 tanks using al-Yassin 105 shells alongside two other tanks using two Shawaz devices successfully blowing them up.

After returning from the battle lines, east of the Jabalia camp, the al-Qassam freedom fighters confirmed that they targeted four D9 military bulldozers and a Mekrava tank using al-Yassin 105 missiles.

Meanwhile, the military media of al-Qassam Brigades published scenes showing its targeting of gatherings of occupation forces and their vehicles east of Jabalia Camp.

The brigades also published additional scenes showing its fighters targeting a Merkava tank using an al-Yassin 105 Tandem shell as well as a gathering of soldiers northeast of the city of Jabalia using mortar shells.

Al-Qassam Brigades also conducted operations in southern Gaza, specifically in the east of the city of Rafah, where they targeted command and control headquarters in the vicinity of Kerem Shalom using a volley of 107-caliber rockets.

In al-Tannour neighborhood east of the city, al-Qassam targeted a D9 military bulldozer using an al-Yassin 105 shell while its freedom fighters sniped a soldier inside a house in Ard al-Shawi area using an al-Ghoul rifle 50 cal rifle.

The brigades also published scenes from Rafah showing how its freedom fighters were engaging soldiers east of the city.

Al-Quds Brigades

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement targeted a Merkava 4 tank near Saad Mosque in the al-Qasaseeb neighborhood in Jabalia using an anti-armor shell.

The brigades also documented a number of their operations targeting soldiers in Jabalia and al-Zaytoun neighborhood southeast of Gaza from which the Zionists withdrew on May 15.

The military media of al-Quds Brigades published scenes showing its freedom fighters targeting a D9 bulldozer, east of Jabalia camp.

Other scenes published by the brigades also showed its freedom fighters targeting gatherings of soldiers and vehicles in the camp.

In a third video, al-Quds Brigades documented its targeting of a D9 bulldozer in al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Al-Aqsa Brigades

Al-Aqsa Brigades also confirmed that they engaged in fierce clashes against soldiers in Block 2 leaving them dead and injured.

They also targeted gatherings of soldiers and vehicles in al-Salam neighborhood east of Rafah using heavy mortar shells.


Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) also engaged soldiers incurring the Post Office next to Abu al-Aish street in Jabalia camp.

It also clashed with another force in a fighting axis where it blew up an occupation vehicle causing death and injury among its forces.

The brigades also retaliated on the Nahal Oz settlement using a missile salvo in response to the Zionist crimes against Palestinians.

The PFLP mourned its fallen Central Committee member, Samer Al-Karnab who was assassinated in Gaza. Below is the communique:

The Popular Front mourns its Central Committee member in Gaza, comrade Samer Al-Karnab, who was martyred in a cowardly “israeli” zionist assassination crime.

With great pride and honor, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns to the masses of our people, on behalf of its Secretary-General, his deputy, and all its members at home and abroad, its Central Committee member in Gaza, comrade fighter / Samer Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al-Karnab, 42 years old. He was martyred this morning in a cowardly “israeli” zionist assassination crime at the Al-Awda roundabout in Rafah city.

The Front extends its deepest condolences to his family, comrades, and loved ones, affirming that it has lost a dedicated comrade who never left the field during the aggression, volunteering to serve his people and the displaced, and taking initiative at all organizational and community levels.

Our comrade joined the ranks of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in 1996, progressing through its party and militant ranks, reaching the Central Committee membership in Gaza for two consecutive terms, fighting in the ranks of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, and then in the Popular Protection Committees, defending our people and confronting the continuous “israeli” zionist aggression on Rafah city.

He also held various party tasks in Rafah governorate, including the Secretary of the Rafah Governorate Committee and previously the head of its media committee.

As the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns its fighter comrade, it affirms that the “israeli” zionist assassination crime will not and cannot break its will to fight and resist. It pledges to the martyr and all martyrs to continue the resistance until achieving our people’s goals of liberation and return, and establishing a democratic state of Palestine on the entire national soil with Al-Quds as its capital.

Glory to the soul of the martyr Samer, and we will certainly be victorious.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department

Forces of Martyr Omar al-Qasim

The forces of Martyr Omar al-Qasim sniped a soldier in the vicinity of the Adnan Abu Taha Junction in al-Geneina neighborhood east of Rafah.

Its freedom fighters also targeted soldiers and vehicles in the vicinity of the Rafah crossing and southeast of al-Shawka using short-range 107 missiles.

 Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades

After a sniper sniped a Palestinian woman behind Abu Zaytoun in Jabalia camp, the al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees in Palestine located the sniper who was holed up in a house and opened fire on him from more than one direction hitting him directly.

Cooperation between resistance factions

Within the framework of cooperation between the various Palestinian resistance factions, al-Qassam Brigades and al-Quds Brigades carried out two joint operations in the Jabalia camp.

In the first operation, the freedom fighters engaged a special force at Abu Zaytoun junction causing death and injury among its soldiers.

In the other operation, they targeted a Merkava tank using al-Yassin 105 missile and engaged a foot force next to the targeted vehicle also causing death and injury among its soldiers.

In a third operation, both brigades targeted an artillery position east of Jabalia using mortar shells.

In a third operation, the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Al-Quds Brigades bombed an artillery position, east of Jabalia, with mortar shells.