Texts by Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners for Anniversary of Death of Mauricio Morales

Words by Mónica Caballero for the Memory and Counterculture day

15 years after the death of Mauricio Morales, it is always necessary to remember.

15 years ago, the media of the powerful were feasting on the news… the one that spoke of the death of a young man who was about to place an explosive device in the Gendarmerie School. This young man was one of the suspected anarchists that the police already had among those possibly responsible for the approximately 200 bombs that had been placed in the city of Santiago in recent years. That young anarchist was Mauricio Morales.

With the identification of one of the explosive planters, the lines of investigation of the police and prosecutors were reduced, and in turn the urgency to go hunting for seditious criminals grew. It did not take long after the death of Mauri for the Chilean state to let fall all its power and bring the first anarchists before a court, a matter that had not happened since about 1920.

So it was that 14 years ago I first set foot in the prison where I am currently held.

It can probably seem annoying and even unnecessary for some people who still exist to commemorate the death of a comrade who fell in action. But what would have happened if Mauri’s death had not been commemorated in these 15 years? Most likely, May 22 would be an important date only for those of us who knew and loved Mauri. In this way, your memory, your ideas and most importantly… Your practices would not have transcended.

Today, May 22, I remember and commemorate Mauricio Morales because doing so is part of my own history. Because I loved him and above all I do and will continue to do so because he was a like-minded comrade who until his last breath tried to put into practice his ideas that are also mine.

15 years ago, today and tomorrow. Long live anarchy.

¡Mauricio Morales pte.!

Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda

Anarchist prisoner

CDP San Joaquín

Words by Marcelo Villarroel for the Memory and Counterculture day

15 years after the death of Punki Mauri, an eternal call for offensive resistance with fist raised from confinement, maintaining the memory of the insurrection, as a living manifestation of an anti-authoritarian struggle that is neither extinguished nor stopped by the state, the prison and the capital.

The daily combat inside the prisons manifests itself in millimetres. Breaking apathy and silence, contributing to the transmission of experiences and stories so that our experiences are not submerged in oblivion and are also a real learning tool for all those who are exposed to confinement as a result of a life choice in struggle. It is about making a concrete contribution in all possible and imaginable initiatives that maintain the link between prisoners and active comrades in the street.

Along these lines, Mauricio Morales maintained a permanent exchange of ideas and actions, as prisoners and with those who had gone through confinement, thus evidencing a freely assumed commitment of active solidarity and insurrectionary complicity for the destruction of prison society, inherent in his anarchist position of offensive against domination.

Fifteen years ago, in this territory, the attacks sustained to the social peace of the rich also expressed a solid disposition of combat of different anti-authoritarian, subversive and anarchist tendencies. It is in this context that Punki Mauri took his flight to some place in the universe and the stars to continue pushing the combat from there, helping his brothers in struggle scattered around the world and thus renouncing us that he has never left the side of those who do not give up, for convenience or accomodations, to the inescapable path of the conflict.

Nothing is over, everything continues!!

Memory, Resistance, Subversion!!

Punk Mauri you live in the social/anti-social war!!

Until the last bastion of prison society is destroyed!!

As long as there is misery there will be rebellion!!

Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda

May 2024

Juan Aliste’s words for the Memory and Counterculture day

My respects and subversive complicity to the anarchists of action, whose heartbeats reflect direct consequences against the state and the powerful who sustain it.

Acting continuously, in time and territories. It is the result of sharp ideas molded in the vindicating explosion, which, together with the accurate lead, accompany the free walk of antagonistic steps of no return.

Masters of their lives and sighs, they pierce with the black glow of their gaze/action the embedded history written by power. Touching the fiber of their comfort and burning the curtain of the misery imposed.

Anarchy blows untamed and permanent oxygen. Like a fuse, it ignites the struggle for total liberation. Adding and joining forces, sharpening aims, deploying and learning in this journey of social war.

With this conviction you tattooed your bones, your walk. 15 years have passed since the action where the beautiful one cost us his life.

We continue to carry out the noise of your walk.

Make sure that anarchy lives in your words/action.

Mauricio Morales presente.

Attacking all forms of authority and fighting the prison society.

Memory, resistance, anarchy and subversion!!

Juan Aliste Vega

Subversive prisoner

Rancagua Company Jail.

Black May 2024.

Words by Francisco Solar for the Memory and Counterculture day

15 years have passed and it seems like only yesterday that the Power as a whole was celebrating the fatal accident that cost the life of comrade Mauricio Morales. Since then, much has happened as far as the anarchic offensive is concerned. Attacks, imprisonment, clandestinity, positions, publications and repression have followed one another in a dizzying way without having moments to pause and reflect, to take stock and continue to move forward qualifying our actions.

Today, with the historical perspective that the passing of the years allows us, we can observe that in 2009 the anarchic offensive was experiencing one of its best moments; proliferation of occupied insurrectionary spaces, incessant explosive attacks, various publications and, above all, debates and exchange of visions that nourished the content of the different positions within the anarchic world, which at this time, when it seems that aesthetics is what prevails, is sorely lacking.

And Mauricio Morales was part of each of those expressions of combative anarchism. Far from limiting himself to just one of these, he actively participated in the many initiatives that constituted and constitute the insurrectionary tendency. We can see the comrade in publications, occupations, debates and attacks, always giving the best of himself, which is clearly one of the central elements in the permanent exercise of his memory. Memory that calls for decisive action against Power and that points out that it is only through confrontation that we are provoking and generating cracks in this reality.

Mauricio Morales lives in every action!

Long live anarchy!

Francisco Solar

La Gonzalina-Rancagua Prison

May 2024

Words of Tomás González for the Memory and Counterculture day

For Maury.

We find ourselves in a new month of May and it has been 15 years since that May 22nd where you left this earthly and hostile plane.

With your steps without even having known you in life and despite the differences that may exist in specific terms of ideas, I must say that the courage of your actions are a fundamental legacy for the constant struggle that we live today, because we well know that ideas are nothing without concrete actions and as declared enemies against those who perpetuate misery and its entire network we must be with the dedication and disposition without importing the contexts because as autonomous ones there is no date or time to open paths.

I know that there are no recipes or absolute truths, but given my experience with successes and mistakes, as well as listening to comrades, I can say that alone we are an easy target for those who want us dead or imprisoned.

Today, being imprisoned and serving a sentence, I can remember you, as well as many others, and say that nothing is over, because as a subversive there is no wall that stops the constant work of resisting and subverting reality with the slightest popular and rebellious gesture.

Tomás González Quezada from Ex penitentiary in memory of Mauricio Morales “Punky Maury”.

Espacio Fénix