Palestinian Resistance Statements on Disengagement Law

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The zionist War Minister’s announcement to repeal the “Disengagement Law” entrenches the reality of colonial settler occupation in the West Bank.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine affirms that the announcement by the criminal zionist War Minister “Yoav Galant” today, Wednesday, to repeal the so-called “Disengagement Law” in the settlements that were evacuated in the northern occupied West Bank, is a decision that entrenches the reality of colonial settler occupation throughout the occupied West Bank.

The Front notes that the zionist occupation already imposes military settler occupation on all the lands of the occupied West Bank, which has allowed it to intensify the policy of judaization, build settlements, confiscate lands, and demolish homes. However, the zionist War Minister’s repeal of this law will accelerate these zionist settler and genocide policies, escalating the crimes of settler gangs against our people in the West Bank.

The Front emphasizes that confronting the consequences of this decision and all the ongoing crimes of the occupation requires escalating the resistance against the occupation and settlers, and taking measures to protect and enhance the steadfastness of our people who will be affected by this decision.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

The announcement by the zionist Defense Minister Yoav Gallant today of the implementation of the annulment of the so-called “Disengagement Law” with the northern West Bank, which allows the rebuilding of previously evacuated zionist settlements, is a continuation of the occupation’s settlement and aggressive policies and a denial of our Palestinian people’s rights to their land.

We call upon our people and our revolutionary youth throughout the occupied West Bank to intensify their resistance to the occupation’s settlement policies and to activate resistance in all its forms and tools until the occupation and its settlers are expelled from our land.

We urge the international community and the United Nations to take responsibility in ending the settlement activity and to hold the occupation accountable for its continuous crimes and violations of international law.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Wednesday: 14 Dhul-Qi’dah 1445 AH
Corresponding to: May 22, 2024 AD