PFLP: The Zionist Retreat From Lebanon in 2000 was a Turning Point in History

The retreat of the zionist army from large parts of Lebanese territories on May 25, 2000, is a strategic turning point in the history of the Arab-Zionist struggle.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine considered the defeat of the enemy zionist army from large parts of the occupied Lebanese territories on May 25, 2000, to be a qualitative and historical achievement and a strategic turning point in the history of the Arab-zionist struggle, and was achieved thanks to the steadfastness and sacrifices of the brotherly Lebanese people and their valiant resistance, which began from the very first moments of the zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982. That resistance troubled the occupiers, inflicted heavy losses upon them, and shattered forever the myth of the “invincible army.” The people of Beirut still remember the calls and pleas of the enemy army through loudspeakers in the streets of Beirut, saying, “O people of Beirut, do not shoot at us, we are withdrawing.” Indeed, the occupation army withdrew from the capital, Beirut, within the first few weeks of its occupation, marking the first time the occupation army withdrew from an Arab land it had occupied without conditions or restrictions.
The Front expressed its highest feelings of loyalty and gratitude to the resisting Lebanese people, who have made and continue to make great sacrifices in support of Palestine and its cause, defending their land, resources, and national dignity, which refuses to surrender. They have sacrificed thousands of martyrs, wounded, and missing, and continue to endure the crimes of the occupation army, which targets people, trees, and stones, aiming to impose defeat and submission, and to deter them from supporting the Palestinian people. The Front saluted the comrades-in-arms in the Lebanese National Resistance Front with all its parties and factions, who had the honor of firing the first shots.

The Front also extended greetings and appreciation to the comrades in the Amal Movement and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, who had the honor of continuing, sustaining, and developing the resistance until the liberation of vast parts of southern Lebanon, cleansing them from the filth of occupation on May 25, 2000.

The Front highly appreciates the actions of the Lebanese resistance forces and many components of the Lebanese people and their resistance forces, especially the brothers in Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistance, for their support and assistance to our struggling Palestinian people in Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and Al-Quds in the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, considering the southern Lebanese front as a support and backing front for our people and their resistance, and considering the martyrs of the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood as martyrs on the path to Al-Quds.
The Front affirmed that our resisting Palestinian people, along with all the honorable people of our nation and the free people of the world, will never forget the support and solidarity of the brotherly Lebanese people and their resistance forces with our people’s struggle, especially our people in southern Lebanon and the western Bekaa in particular, and the residents of the front-line villages who have endured and continue to endure the most heinous zionist crimes and the most vicious systematic destruction campaigns of Lebanese villages and towns, and assassination crimes targeting safe civilians, including women, children, and the elderly, and the destruction of homes and infrastructure over the heads of their residents, aiming to break their will and deter them from continuing their support and backing for our people.
The Front extends its deepest feelings of sorrow and loyalty to the families of the martyrs and wishes a speedy recovery for the wounded, affirming that victory is inevitable, and we will celebrate together on the land of Palestine, freed from the filth of occupation.
The Front concluded by extending congratulations and blessings to the brotherly Lebanon, its government, army, and people, and to the heroic resistance fighters steadfast in the battle trenches defending the land of Lebanon and its dignity, and in support of Palestine and its just cause.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Saturday, May 25, 2024