Al-Qassam Captures Zionist Troops, Gear in Complex Jabalia Operation

The al-Qassam Brigades military spokesperson, Abu Obeida, revealed that al-Qassam’s Resistance fighters killed, wounded, and took captive a Zionist force in northern Gaza.

In an announcement that is expected to have massive ramifications on the occupation entity, both politically and socially, Abu Obeida said that the Resistance carried out a “complex operation” on Saturday in Jabalia, the first stage of which was luring an occupation force into a tunnel and ambushing them inside.

The Brigades’ fighters confronted the force at point blank, killing and wounding its members, he said.

After a Zionist reinforcement unit arrived at the scene, the Resistance group targeted it using explosives and confirmed direct hits.

Detonating the tunnel behind them, Abu Obeida said that the “fighters then withdrew… having inflicted casualties on all members of the force, leaving them dead, wounded, or captured, and seizing their military equipment.”

“Every day the enemy continues its aggression against our people and our homeland will come at a high and significant cost, and we will continue to make the enemy pay this price with Allah’s help and support,” he vowed.

“We will persist in confronting the aggression in every street, neighborhood, city, and camp in [Gaza], from Beit Hanoun to Rafah.”

The spokesperson said that more details about the complex operation will be revealed “at the appropriate time.”

Zionist invasion ‘blind’, ‘futile’

Abu Obeida made the landmark announcement at 12:30 am (local time), an unusual timing, pointing to the importance of what was to be revealed.

The military spokesperson lambasted the regime for its “blind and futile” policies, aimed at taking revenge on the Palestinian people and destroying the Gaza Strip. Abu Obeida said that the regime is attempting to market the massacres it is committing as markers of victory.

However, he saw that Palestinian Resistance fighters continued to “teach the occupation lessons” on every front in the Gaza Strip.

The spokesperson pointed specifically to the attacks on Jabalia and Rafah, saying that occupation forces’ operations in these areas are another chapter in a long list of failures.

Moreover, he spoke of the military’s attempts to excavate large portions of the areas they invaded, looking for the remains of killed troops and captives, which they had intended to kill in previous attacks.

He said that thousands of troops are being pushed into the Gaza Strip for the benefit of Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal ambitions.

Today’s announcement comes following multiple military campaigns into Jabalia and surrounding areas, which the occupation forces and political regime claim have been “cleansed” from Resistance fighters.

Operations executed by the Palestinian Resistance on May 25

The Jabalia refugee camp has witnessed several  military campaigns that saw fierce confrontations. Following each invasion of the camp and the city of Jabalia, Israeli occupation forces have claimed that they “cleansed” the area from Resistance fighters. However, this last invasion has seen some of the fiercest fighting experienced since October 7.

On Saturday alone, al-Qassam fighters shot two locally produced tandem rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), known as al-Yassins, at two Israeli Merkava 4 tanks. A sniper unit, equipped with an al-Ghoul sniper rifle, shot dead a soldier in al-Qassamiyah in the northeastern part of the camp.

Al-Qassam sapper units also detonated explosives set in a building in the Jabalia refugee camp, killing and injuring members of a special unit that had been lured into the building.

The Brigades’ fighters also targeted two Merkava 4 tanks in two separate areas in the Jabalia refugee camp.

In the southernmost city of the Gaza Strip, Rafah, al-Qassam fighters fired an al-Yassin charge at a tank positioned at the Salah al-Din Gate, a secondary crossing located at the Palestinian-Egyptian border.

On its part, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) al-Quds Brigades announced that its rocket force targeted a grouping of occupation forces and armored vehicles in northeaster Rafah with a 107 mm rocket aimed directly at the force.

Al-Quds Brigades’ mortar units also fired a large quantity of 60 mm shells at groupings of soldiers in al-Qsasib neighborhood in Jablia. Concurrently the group’s mortart units targeted Zionist supply routes in the Nitzarim Axis.