(Colombia) Incendiary Outing in Memory of Mauricio Morales

On May 22, 2024, hooded students set up barricades and clashed with Molotov cocktails against the Unit for Dialogue and Maintenance of Order (UNDMO) outside the National Pedagogical University (UPN), to commemorate the Day of Chaos and anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales. In addition, according to a photo reporter, the action was carried out to criticize the National Government and its progressive discourse. In the midst of the clashes, the hooded men left a SITP (public transport bus) at the entrance of the university to prevent entry to it, a situation that was responded to with pellets by the UNDMO, leaving several students injured.

During the day, the hooded comrades handed over the following document from hand to hand:

The early morning of May 22. A bicycle moves through the cold night of Santiago. A comrade carries an insurrectionary dream in his backpack. At his belt he carries a revolver with which he will repel any reaction from the jailers. He carried a homemade bomb with him and a single objective is clear with each pedal stroke, to attack the gendarmerie school.

Around 1:30 a.m., when his last stop was made, only a block separated him from carrying out the action. He stops to check the clockwork system attached to a fire extinguisher filled with black powder, but in a second, an unexpected accident accelerates the stop. A great flash occurs and a deafening noise expands and echoes through the battered streets of the Matta neighborhood. The bomb that was supposed to shove in the face of the powerful, when activated, throws the body of the comrade towards the middle of the street. He dies instantly. The cold body corresponds to Mauricio Morales Duarte, to Punky Mauri, to Costra, to Loko Dog, Uncle Punky, Mabri, dozens of names for a single brother.

Mauri, the offense doesn’t forget you.”

Here are some records:

Photographs by Furia Gráfica

Informativo Anarquista