Glory to the Revolutionary Steel Will That Remained Silent, Commemorating the 51st Year of Immortality: MLKP

Seeing that the freedom struggle of the Kurdish people against colonialism will merge with the freedom struggle against fascism on the Turkish front and lead to an unstoppable revolution, the fascist chieftaincy regime aims to bloodily destroy the channels of unification of the revolutionary movement of Turkey and Kurdistan, its progressive revolutionary accumulation.

With this bloody attack and fascist state terror, which it has been continuing uninterruptedly for 9 years, it has tended to liquidate revolutionary communist parties and organizations, especially the Kurdish Freedom Movement, and to neutralize and surrender them under conditions where it could not, to destroy revolutionary parties and organizations, and to break the ties between the pioneers and the masses.

It is trying to destroy the aspiration and struggle of the working class and laborers, women and youth, Alevis and different faith communities, anti-fascist forces, and the oppressed for a free, equal and livable world, especially the freedom demands and gains of the Kurdish people, thus keeping the colonial fascist order of the rulers alive and perpetuating the political Islamist fascist regime.

In this respect, we can say that the revolutionary movement in Turkey and Kurdistan is once again passing through a historical threshold. This process is also a process in which revolutionary parties and organizations are tested in their revolutionary militants. Turkey and the Kurdistan revolutionary movement went through similar historical processes during the periods of March 12, 1971 and the September 12, 1980 Military Fascist Coup. The 71 revolutionary uprising against the fascism of March 12 was the name of a strong response and will. The revolutionary uprising of 71 is at the same time a sense of power, audacity, determination and dedication. It has become the name of reconciliation with class enemies, not surrender, but of fighting resolutely.

Your worldview needs to be in line with your life, and your philosophy of life needs to be in line with your political practice. In this respect, the revolutionary uprising and resistance of 71 is a unity of word and deed. It is the orientation to arms, the trench comradeship to overthrow the colonialist fascist state. What makes the leaders of the71 revolutionary breakthrough unwavering in the face of death is their eternal belief in the scientificity of the struggle they fought for, in other words, their ideology, and their determination to fulfill the requirements of this belief.

Today, the roots of the revolutionary communist parties and organizations that resist and fight against the colonial fascist oppression in Turkey and Kurdistan as the vanguard forces of the workers and toilers, the oppressed and our peoples, as well as our United Movement Movement, are based on the revolutionary rupture and breakthrough of71. The conviction and determination of the revolutionary leaders of the 71 revolutionary uprisings and resistance still guide our United Revolutionary breakthrough today.

On the 51st anniversary of his immortality, the leader of the 71 revolutionary uprisings, the Mahirs, the Seas, the Sinans, the founder and leader of the TKP ML, who put this into practice in the lands of Turkey and Kurdistan, who became immortal without giving a secret in torture, the honorary member of our party, one of the revolutionary leaders of our United Revolution movement, and the leaders of the 71 revolutionary uprisings, Mahirs, Denizs, Sinans, I would like to express once again that we commemorate them with gratitude and devotion, and that we bow respectfully to their memories.

The day is the day to embrace the faith and determination of our revolutionary leaders and the spirit of sacrifice and to frustrate all the attacks of the colonialist fascist Turkish state and AKP-MHP fascism.

The day is the day to plant the red flag of revolution and socialism, which our comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya and our revolutionary leaders carried with great honor and handed over to us, on the bastions of colonialist fascism.

The day is a day to march with revolutionary determination against liquidationism, opportunism, reformism, and legal revolutionism confined to the boundaries of the fascist order.

Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya is immortal!

In the year of immortality, glory be to the revolutionary steel will that does not give a secret!

The martyrs of May are immortal!

Long live the revolution and socialism!

Long live the United Revolution of Turkey and Kurdistan

He greets you all with the revolutionary sentiments of trench comradeship. I wish you success in your revolutionary struggle. We will definitely win.