Resistance Bombs Tel Aviv; Guerrilla Operations Continue to Bleed Occupation

The Palestinian Resistance continues targeting Zionist settlements on the 233rd day of the war, in response to the aggression on the Gaza Strip, and continues to carry out complex operations and ambushes in its confrontation with occupation forces penetrating all fronts, leaving Zionist soldiers dead, wounded and captured, and forcing the occupation forces to retreat.

The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, announced that it bombed Tel Aviv with a large rocket barrage, in response to the massacres against Palestinian civilians.

Following the attack, occupation media reported that 12 rockets were fired from Rafah towards the Gush Dan settlement in the Tel Aviv region, injuring one person. They also noted a heavy barrage of missiles targeting central the entity from Rafah.

Ground battles

The Al-Qassam Brigades confirmed that they targeted: five tanks, two military bulldozers, and a troop carrier, with al-Yassin 105 and Tandem shells, and Shawaz and Guerilla Action devices, in the “Block 2” and al-Dakhiliyah Street area in the Jabalia camp, north of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam targeted the occupation forces invading the al-Qasaseeb neighborhood in the same camp, with heavy-caliber mortar shells. It confirmed that its Resistance fighters targeted a Merkava 4 tank, with a locally made Al-Yassin 105 missile, in the Beit Lahia project in the northern Gaza Strip.

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement in Palestine, shared scenes documenting its targeting of a gathering of occupation vehicles with several Ababil IEDs east of Jabalia Camp.

Also, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced that its fighters destroyed, with a barrage of 60-caliber mortar shells, a gathering of occupation soldiers and vehicles in the al-Qasaseeb neighborhood.

Zionist media acknowledged that the occupation army is reducing its forces in the operation east of Rafah, with the Givati Brigade retreating from the city on Sunday morning. It confirmed that a reserve lieutenant colonel, who is the commander of the 6828 Battalion of the Bisalah Brigade, was wounded in the chest by Resistance sniper fire during confrontations with the Resistance in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

It further detailed that the wounded lieutenant colonel was Itamar Eitam, the son of Reserve Brigadier General Avi Eitam, a former Knesset member and head of the “Mifdal” party. Zionist media revealed that the presence of snipers is stressing the occupation because “Hamas has increased sniper activity, specifically in areas where the forces operate intensively.”

This comes after the Palestinian Resistance shook the entity after taking Zionist captives in a new and complex operation.

Al-Qassam captures troops, gear in complex Jabalia operation

In a voice-recorded message, al-Qassam’s military spokesperson, Abu Obeida, revealed the details of the complex operation, which he said saw Resistance fighters kill, injure, and take captive members of an occupation force.

Abu Obeida said that the first stage of the operation saw Resistance fighters lure an occupation force into a tunnel, ambushing them inside. The Brigades’ fighters confronted the force at point blank, killing and wounding its members, he said.

After a reinforcement unit arrived at the scene, the Resistance group targeted it using explosives and confirmed direct hits.

Detonating the tunnel behind them, Abu Obeida said that the “fighters then withdrew… having inflicted casualties on all members of the force, leaving them dead, wounded, or captured, and seizing their military equipment.”

The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that they targeted a troop carrier and a D9 military bulldozer with two Yassin 105 anti-tank shells, as well as engaged a Merkava tank, near the al-Khulafa’ al-Rashidun Mosque in the Jabalia refugee camp, northern Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, Saraya al-Quds, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, shelled a gathering of occupation soldiers and their equipment in the Qasasib neighborhood of Jabalia with a barrage of mortar shells.

After returning from the battle in the Jabalia refugee camp, Al-Quds Brigades fighters confirmed they targeted a group of soldiers with an anti-personnel shell while they were fortified in a building, resulting in casualties among them.

In Beit Lahia, also in the northern Gaza Strip, Al-Quds Brigades engaged in fierce clashes using machine guns and anti-armor shells against occupation soldiers and their equipment.

In the southern part of the Gaza Strip, specifically in southern Rafah, Saraya al-Quds targeted a military vehicle with an RPG shell, east of the Salah al-Din Gate.

Additionally, Saraya al-Quds shelled settlements surrounding Gaza with a rocket barrage.

In parallel with their field operations against Zionist forces, Saraya al-Quds’ military media published footage of their rocket barrage targeting the occupied city of Ashkelon.

Other footage showed Saraya al-Quds also targeting the Ofakim military base with a rocket barrage.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades targeted a troop carrier with an RPG shell near the al-Khulafa’ Al-Rashidun Mosque in the Jabalia refugee camp, achieving a direct hit.

In the same area, the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades engaged in fierce clashes with soldiers using machine guns.

They also bombarded gatherings of occupation soldiers and their equipment with a barrage of 60 mm mortar shells in the Jabalia refugee camp and sniped a soldier north of the camp.

In Beit Lahia, the Brigades engaged in intense clashes against occupation soldiers, using machine guns and RPGs.

The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, also engaged in fierce clashes with an occupation force fortified in a house in Block 2 of the Jabalia refugee camp, resulting in casualties among the soldiers.

The Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, targeted an Israeli foot patrol east of the al-Khulafa’ Al-Rashidun Mosque, where a fighter opened fire with a MAG machine gun, causing casualties among the soldiers.

The National Resistance Brigades (Forces of Martyr Omar Al-Qasim), the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, released video footage showing their rocket barrage targeting the Holit settlement east of Rafah.

Joint Operations

In a collaborative effort between various military wings of Palestinian resistance factions, the Al-Qassam Brigades and Saraya al-Quds shelled a gathering of occupation forces in the northern Jabalia refugee camp with mortar shells.

The Brigades and Saraya also bombarded soldiers in the northern Jabalia refugee camp with a barrage of 60 mm mortar shells.

In another joint operation, the Al-Qassam Brigades and the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades targeted a Merkava tank in the Beit Lahia area.

Meanwhile, the Forces of Martyr Omar al-Qasim released footage documenting a joint operation with Saraya al-Quds, in which they targeted gatherings of occupation forces east of Rafah with a barrage of 107 rockets.

Rafah Massacre

Palestinian resistance factions held Washington responsible for the horrific massacre committed by the occupation in Rafah against forcibly displaced families residing in a tent city.

In a statement, Hamas held US President Joe Biden fully responsible for this massacre.

The group said that the crime was a “blatant challenge, complete disregard, and defiance” of the International Court of Justice’s decision that demanded it cease its aggression on Rafah.

Hamas asserted that the occupation would not have committed this massacre without American support and the green light to invade Rafah, despite the city being full of displaced families.

The movement demanded the immediate and urgent implementation of the ICJ’s decisions and pressure to stop the massacres and the bloodshed of civilians. It emphasized that the international community, the United Nations, and all relevant parties must act urgently to stop the genocide against the Palestinian people.

Similarly, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement stated that targeting civilians in centers sheltering the forcibly displaced underscores the depth of the military failure that the occupation has faced on the battlefield.

It also held the US responsible for the crimes in Gaza, which comes as a direct result of cover provided by Washington.

The PIJ said that the crimes in Gaza come as a result of the cover provided by Washington, the weak stances of Arab governments, and the positions of some European states.

For its part, the Al-Mujahideen Brigades affirmed that the occupation, exploiting the international silence and incompetence, is attempting through its ongoing crimes to “escape its military failures in Gaza in the face of the resilience and innovation of the ongoing resistance.”

The brigades stressed that the occupation “will not weaken the determination of the Palestinian people,” and that “its cowardly crimes will only strengthen our resolve to expel the entity from our land and destroy its terrorist army.”

A genocide sponsored by the United States

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in turn, demanded in the name of the “pure blood of the innocent spilled” in the massacre in Rafah, that the Arab nation rise and “end its stagnation,” calling on friendly countries to “file clear and direct complaints against the United States and its president as partners in war crimes against the Palestinian people.”

The front added that the horrific crime of the occupation in Rafah “expresses its decision to deliberately breach all laws and conventions and directly challenge the decisions of the International Court of Justice, which are no longer sufficient at all.”

Additionally, the Popular Resistance Committees in Palestine pointed out the direct role of the United States in the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The committees said in a statement that the people of the Strip “are being killed and slaughtered with American weapons, decisions, and support for the Nazi Zionist entity,” adding that the US “is also fiercely defending the crimes of this Nazi enemy and its terrorist leaders.”

“The enemy’s massacres, its ongoing slaughter, and growing crimes will not change the clear truth that this entity is in a state of defeat and failure,” the statement read, adding that “the Rafah massacre is an attempt to cover up this truth,” which is now ” eating into this criminal entity, laying the foundation for its demise, collapse, and internal disintegration.”

Hezbollah continues increased levels of attacks

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, announced that it launched an intense artillery and missile attack targeting the occupied Jal al-Alam site and the surrounding deployment of occupation forces. They confirmed achieving direct hits and inflicting confirmed losses among the occupation forces.

The Resistance indicated that the operation was in response to the assassination carried out by the occupation forces in the Lebanese town of Naqoura which also resulted in the injury of civilians, as well as in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and their brave Resistance.

In another statement, the Islamic Resistance confirmed targeting the technical systems at the al-Abad site with appropriate weapons, achieving direct hits, which led to their destruction.

Additionally, Hezbollah noted that it targeted the al-Malkiyya site and the surrounding deployment of occupation soldiers with appropriate weapons, achieving direct hits.

In that regard, the occupation media reported on the launch of two anti-tank missiles toward the settlement of Margaliot, along with the launch of 15 rockets toward settlements in western al-Jalil.

Sirens were activated in the settlements of Avivim, Yiron, Bassa, Hanita, Shlomi, and Rosh Hanikra in northern occupied Palestine near the border with Lebanon.

In total, Hezbollah launched fifteen attacks, making it one of the most significant days of Al-Aqsa Flood.