Deir Yassin: A Zionist Massacre, a Resistance Unit, and an Operation

Deir Yassin was a brutal massacre carried out by zionist death squads in 1948 indelibly etched…

The Mexico-‘Israel’ Connection: Repression and Resistance

The genocide in Palestine resonates in Mexico. Despite their distinct geopolitical surroundings and the seven-thousand miles…

Guerrillas Talk About Being Exposed to Turkish Chemical Weapons

The historic resistance of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla against the attacks by the Turkish army in…

Al-Aqsa Flood Resistance Axis Launches Increasingly Complex Attacks

The Resistance to the Zionist and American genocide campaign in Gaza has begun launching increasingly complex…

Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement

An appeal issued by the Palestinian student movement in the Gaza Strip To the global student…

We Demand Once Again the Freedom of Prisoners for Fighting — Colombia

Those detained for fighting during the 2021 uprising in Colombia feel abandoned by the current government,…

An Emerging Generation of the Russian Far-Right

A new generation of far-rightists has emerged in Russia, attacking migrants against the backdrop of the…

Şehîd Kasim Engîn – Long Live Socialism!

Kasim Engîn (Ismail Nazlikul) was a socialist, historian and guerrilla commander. He was martyred as a…

HPG: Guerrilla Tunnels Were Bombed With Chemical Gas and Prohibited Explosives 67 Times in Two Days

The Press Centre of the People’s Defence Forces (HPG) issued a statement providing information about the…

Zionist Embassy in Mexico Set on Fire During Demonstrations

In solidarity with Palestine, comrades clashed with police at Mexico City’s Zionist embassy during an “Urgent…