Words in Memory of Mauricio Morales

And it seems like only yesterday… a comrade killed in action… and soon after we learned his name: Mauricio Morales!!

The coherence, the determination to arm an idea as a project does not seem to be a part of the trajectory of many comrades… the singular individual that stands out among his own due to his revolutionary exemplariness has always existed and will always exist.

It’s always been difficult to pave the way and transmit confidence to our own… Our own? Yes! Our own!

As convinced iconoclasts we believe that “our own” are those who practice what they preach and we see ourselves in them, in their discourse and practice. We know the price of coherence… like Prometheus we share the word, the experience and the torment… we believe in what we think and consequently we speak.

We are persecuted when we say our part because our discourse and our practice is not recuperable the state and by capital. And, nevertheless, indecently, when they kill us and lock us up, the brilliance of individual rebellion is usurped by the undeserving that have converted ethics into programmed alternative leisure.

Not one of our own lives and dies in vain… existence shows us strongly refractory individuals, and the assimilation and alienation they combat relentlessly.

We remember Mauricio with his wide and bright smile… a smile that always accompanied his determination, la potency of his words, the coherence of his actions.

Being consistent with ones own ideas is a choice of Extreme Love and he knew (we know) that that can mean death or imprisonment and it was death what he found that morning 15 years ago.

We keep finding our comrade and brother Mauricio beautifully violent in each sigh of dignity, in each breath of rebelliousness, in each action in solidarity, and in each scream of Anarchy.

Fighting against the States and against all authorities is a revolutionary duty and a pleasure, just as is fighting against oblivion.

Beloved Mauricio, we don’t forget you and we’re still standing, at war, never letting our guard down.

We hug you in the creative chaos that drives us in each moment to reach Freedom and Total Liberation!

Long live Anarchy!
Long live Freedom!
Punky Mauri is present!

Gabriel and Elisa


Via Contra Info by Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Elisa di Bernardo, English translation by Anarchist News

Note: Words read aloud during the day of “Memory and Kounterkulture” carried out on May 18 in Santiago, Chile.

May 22 2024.