Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue, Solidaires, and Samidoun Demonstrate for Clément Meric and Georges Abdallah

Yesterday, in France, Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue, Samidoun, Solidaires 91, Urgence Palestine 91 and many other organizations paid tribute to Clément Meric, antifascist activist and trade unionist murdered by neo-Nazis in Paris in 2013.

The demonstration was in Massy and was also a Palestinian solidarity action to support the resistance and to condemn the ongoing genocide by the colonial Zionist regime.

On this occasion they also demanded the immediate release of Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese communist and Palestinian resistance fighter who has been held in French prisons for almost 40 years. Georges is the longest held political prisoner in Europe.

People also wrote messages of solidarity on postcards to Palestinian prisoners.

In the same demonstration, a large anti-imperialist bloc, where Solidarité Kanaky was also notably present, recalled the unwavering link between the anti-fascist struggle and the national liberation struggles which confront colonialism and imperialism.