Resistance Ignites Massive Fires in the North of the Occupied Territories

Hezbollah’s Unmanned Air Force claimed several targets on Monday, marking one of the most intense use of attack drones by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon during the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood.

To initiate Monday’s operations in support of Palestine, Hezbollah fighters attacked a military vehicle in Mount Adather to the west of Kibbutz Sasa, causing casualties among its crewmembers.

The attack was conducted via an anti-tank guided missile and came after precise monitoring of the vehicle’s movements by Hezbollah fighters. According to the military media, the attack destroyed the vehicle and set it ablaze, killing and injuring its crew.

Later in the afternoon, at 1:35 pm (local time), Hezbollah fighters targeted a grouping of occupation troops near the Ramyah military site. The attack was conducted via unspecified “rocket weapons” and dealt direct hits to the targets.

Hezbollah’s artillery units also targeted Zionist spyware and reconnaissance equipment in the Malikyah military sites.

The Resistance also launched dozens of Grad-type rockets at the positions of artillery units in al-Zaoura.

A fire is also raging in al-Jalil Panhandle, spreading to the largest settlement in the area, Kiryat Shmona.

Zionist media outlets reported that residents in Kiryat Shmona were evacuated after the fires spread due to missile launches from Lebanon. Reports added that dozens of fire brigades have been working for more than 6 hours in an attempt to control the fires in the Upper al-Jalil.

Kiryat Shmona Municipality says the fire was spreading toward residences, and initially asked residents who remain in the city to stay in their homes and close the windows.

The Zionist news website Ynet reported on the unfolding events that have forced authorities to evacuate to settlements in al-Jalil Pandhanle, including the largest settlement in the area, Kiryat Shmona.

Residents in the settlement and Margaliot were told to evacuate as the uncontrollable blazes rapidly spread across the wilderness. Local authorities in Kiryat Shmona are visiting settlers “house-by-house” ordering occupiers to evacuate.

At around 8:00 pm (local time) authorities informed the media outlets that the fire had spread to the northern part of the occupation city of Kiryat Shmona, while fire crews and settlers fought the high flames encircling the settlement.

In the occupied Golan and al-Jalil, 15 fire hotspots have been reported, as enduring blazes spurred by particularly high temperatures continue to plague colonial outposts.

In Ami’ad to the south of Safad, a fire also erupted near a mine.

As a result of the raging fires, authorities blocked the main road linking the north to the rest of the Israeli-occupied territories.

Fires were also recorded in Metulla, Kfar Giladi, Keren Naftali, Elifelt, Mavo Hama, Netor, Tel Saki, and Shlomi in Western al-Jalil. In Kfar Giladi, a member of the local council complained about the situation, saying “We are here alone, the fire has taken hold of the kibbutz’s avocado orchard and is threatening to burn down the hotel.”

Hezbollah’s suicide drones plague Zionist commanders

Concerning the attacks by Hezbollah’s Unmanned Air Force, the force launched three operations on Monday afternoon, utilizing several suicide drones on three distinct targets.

In the first attack, Hezbollah fighters launched a swarm of suicide drones toward the recently set up command and control post for the 91st Division’s 769th Territorial Brigade “Hiram”, which commands ground operations on the eastern section of the northern front.

The command post has been relocated to Nahal Gershom, east of Dishon, after the main command and logistics posts in Kiryat Shoman and Beit Hillel, respectively, came under several direct attacks that severely damaged the sites. The newly set up post is around 15 km south of Camp Gibor, Hiram’s administrative base, and around 6.5 km away from the Zionist line of withdrawal from South Lebanon. It is worth noting the post is now located in a relatively desolate area.

The drones launched by Hezbollah impacted in a “precise” fashion Zionist officers and soldiers positioned in a building, setting it ablaze and killing several occupation troops.

Hezbollah’s Unammed Air Force also launched a suicide drone at the military tent in the Metulla military site, dealing a direct hit to the intended target.

On the Mediterranean coast, the Resistance launched several suicide drones toward targets located to the south of Liman in occupied Palestine. The drones bypassed the Iron Dome systems, which launched several interceptors in an attempt to down them and failed, impacting their targets.

The interception attempt resulted in several anti-air missiles falling in Nahariyah, causing material damage.

Fires continued to rage on in several sites across occupied northern territories following the confrontations.

Palestinian Resistance

For the 241st day since the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, the Palestinian Resistance, in all its different military factions, continues confronting the occupation across different combat axes in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Qassam Brigades

The Martyr Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, confirmed that an occupation force was placed in a carefully prepared ambush after they returned from the battle lines in the center of the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

The al-Qassam fighters ambushed the Israeli force inside a house with an improvised explosive device and a T6 mine left by the occupation. Immediately after the force entered the house and searched one of the rooms, the bomb that the Resistance had planted exploded, leaving the entire force killed and wounded.

Moreover, the Brigades fighters managed to engage a force entrenched inside a house with an anti-personnel shell, resulting in casualties among the force, with one killed and another injured, in the vicinity of the university located in the southern part of the Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City. In the same area, al-Qassam targeted a D9 bulldozer with a Tandem charge.

They also managed to detonate a booby-trapped house targeting an infantry force, resulting in casualties among them, with one killed and another injured near the Zlata crossroads east of the al-Shawka area in the city of Rafah. Another D9 bulldozer was targeted with a Yassin 105 shell in the same area.

The Brigades published footage documenting the targeting of Zionist forces in the Netzarim axis, using the Rajum missile system and mortar shells.

Earlier, the al-Qassam Brigades detonated a minefield within an occupation force stationed at the site of the Martyr Mohammed Abu Shamala Battalion, resulting in casualties among its members, with one killed and one injured, in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood west of Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip.

The al-Qassam Brigades also targeted an occupation gathering behind the university in the southern part of the Sabra neighborhood in Gaza City with mortar shells.

Al-Quds Brigades

On its part, the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, pounded with a barrage of mortar shells soldiers and vehicles infiltrating the Palestinian-Egyptian borders west of Rafah, causing direct casualties.

The Brigades, in coordination with the Al-Aqsa Brigade – Martyrs of Al-Aqsa Battalions, announced targeting a soldier and vehicle positions in the Netzarim axis south of Gaza City with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells.

Al-Quds fighters also shelled with a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells soldiers and vehicles in the vicinity of Tal Zaarab, west of Rafah.

Meanwhile, the al-Quds military media released footage showing the targeting of a group of occupation soldiers in a joint operation carried out with the al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees. The targeted group was holed up in a building in Jabalia Camp, north of the Gaza Strip.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

As for the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, its military media published footage of operations targeting Zionist forces infiltrating various combat axes with rockets and mortar shells.

Al-Mujahideen Brigades

On the other hand, the al-Mujahideen Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian al-Mujahideen Movement, targeted occupation forces stationed in the Netzarim axis south of Gaza City with a number of mortar shells.

National Resistance Brigades

The National Resistance Brigades – Martyr Omar al-Qassem Force, the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, also published a video showing their targeting, along with the al-Quds Brigades, of the Sderot settlement with a rocket barrage.

Yemen unveils new missile

The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) launched ballistic missiles at a Zionist military target in Eilat, occupied Umm al-Rashrash, in southern occupied Palestine, the spokesperson for the YAF, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, announced on Monday night.

Saree made the third announcement on the operations of the YAF in the past four days, saying that the YAF’s Rocket Force attacked the site utilizing the “Palestine” ballistic missile. This is the first time that the YAF revealed its use of the weapon to attack long-range targets in occupied Palestine.

The spokesperson stressed that the operation achieved its intended objective.

Moreover, Saree reiterated that the YAF will continue to attack Zionist targets and Zionist-affiliated assets in support of the oppressed Palestinian people.