Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades Spokesman Speech on State of the Resistance

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“If Allah helps you, none can overcome you. And if He forsakes you, who is there that can help you after Him? And in Allah let believers put their trust.”

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of messengers, the best of all servants, upon his pure family, and upon his noble companions who sold themselves to Allah and fought in His cause until they upheld the religion and humiliated the disbelievers.

O people of our great and patient nation in all of your locations, O free people of the world wherever you may be, O crown of our heads in Al-Quds, the jewel of capitals, and in steadfast Gaza, in the occupied lands of 1948, and in the revolutionary, clashing West Bank.

After eight months, our heroes, along with other resistance factions, continue to affirm that they are the unbreakable rock upon which the dreams of the zionists and their allies will be shattered, dreams of breaking the resistance and turning Gaza into a new sheep in the pen of the zionist enemy and a new slave in the American slave market.

However, with the steadfastness of our people and our resistance, the enemy’s dreams will turn small and disgraced from Gaza, by the will of Allah, gathering its destroyed tanks and vehicles as much as it can, and their soldiers will fall between dead and wounded, cursing each other, wishing to escape the hell of Gaza. And they ask, “When will that be? Say: ‘Perhaps it will be soon.'”

Netanyahu’s repeated boasting and declarations about eliminating the resistance in Gaza are merely for internal consumption, satisfying the bloodthirsty right-wing, for the enemy still receives blows from us. The resistance leadership continues to display great leadership and control in this existential battle that the occupation seeks to turn into a war of attrition in a clear sign of great leadership maturity, a never ending steadfastness, proactive actions instead of reactive responses, and impacting the enemy’s masses, war council, supporters, and allies. This will drive Netanyahu, his war council, and his allies to madness and chronic psychological impairments. Soon, they will all return humiliated and submissive before the bravery of our heroes and the valor of our men.

Therefore, we have decided to increase the daily dose of humiliation and degradation for the enemy’s leadership and their masses by striking the zionist enemy day and night in a legendary heroic epic that history will record with letters of light. Our Palestinian people will not surrender or raise the white flag. They will remain firm, steadfast, stationed, holding onto their land and rights, continuing their resistance and defense of their land with all bravery until victory, by Allah’s will.

Here, we affirm the following:

Firstly, the unjust war on Gaza has entered a phase of breaking bones. The occupation army still pushes with all its might to impose its conditions at the negotiating table. The indicators from the battlefield are clear that the resistance forces remain cohesive, managing their defensive battle successfully, possessing sufficient stockpiles, high morale, and determination to achieve victory, which was realized after the enemy’s disastrous field failures in Rafah, Jabalia, and Al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

Secondly, we hold Netanyahu and his fascist government responsible for the killing of their captives in Gaza and their attempt to eliminate the remaining captives by deliberately targeting them with their army’s missiles to avoid paying the price for their release. The cause of our valiant prisoners is at the top of our priorities, and the enemy’s captives will not be released except according to the will of the resistance.

Thirdly, to all the resistance fighters and everyone who carries a weapon in the West Bank of revolutionaries and Nablus, the Mountain of Fire, this is the time of the free, and history is being written now. So march forward, and strike them everywhere and at all times on our blessed land. Chase the soldiers and settlers in every street, alley, and engagement point you can reach, for this is your battle, and this is your epic.

Fourthly, the enemy is facing a troubling future, the gateway to ending the occupation and expelling it from our land, because every home, alley, street, camp, and city has a vengeance with the criminal, killer, and terrorist enemy.

This reassures the free people of the world and the friends of the Palestinian people and resistance that the future belongs to the resistance, to our people, and to our cause, because we are simply rightful owners, and the occupation will disappear.

Finally, we pray for mercy upon the souls of the martyrs, ask Allah for the speedy recovery of the wounded, and freedom for the prisoners.

It is a revolution until victory.