Greece: Thanos Chatziangelou – On the Misery of Repression Towards My Family Circle

We once declared that the first thing to die in war is the truth. Today, along with the truth, morality accompanies death. In war, as painful as it is to realize the necessity of your existence, there are rules. Those rules are once again being broken by my pack of persecutors.

I spent almost two and a half years as a prisoner in their cells of democracy. In hooded interrogation offices, in the corridors and halls of the inquisition, in cages and concrete tombs. And in all these years not a single moment has passed from my mind to bargain my political identity with what it carries as a legacy on it. Today I am back on the streets with a set of restrictions but my conscience is clear for what I have done.

The prison door closed behind me, but not the chapter of revenge. On June 4, a team of bailiffs went to my parents’ home in Volos to announce that due to my personal debts to the tax authorities, my father’s motorbike, which is in my name, is being auctioned. The debts concern accrued administrative fines from cases of economic repression such as refusal to enlist, fines from the curfew during the pandemic period, court costs of my previous court cases, etc., debts that I have consciously chosen not to pay, refusing the individualized administrative face of repression that has been generalized over the last 10 years.

My issue is not the goods we own and the sanctity of property, but the audacity and lack of morality of a repression that regularly turns on my family because it cannot bend myself. A repression that binds a gift from me to my father, sowing fear and blackmail in my family environment. A repression that in the past (both before and during my captivity) has regularly harassed them with stalking, approaches and solicitations, “friendly” chats and neighborhood interrogations about my profile and daily life.

So about the war, let me remind you that, in the historical record, no battle at its end revealed casualties in only one of the two sides.

6 June 2024
Prison Society

Source: athens.indymedia

DN Note

Anarchist Thanos Chaztiangelou has been released since 24th May 2024. Thanos was arrested along with two other comrades Panagiotis Kalaitzis & Georgia Voulgari for an incendiary attack at the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection in the Ano Polis area of Thessaloniki and were later charged with membership of ‘Anarchist Action Organisation‘. Thanos took full responsibility for the attack.

Translated by  Dark Nights