Palestinian Resistance Leader Details Negotiation Process

It has become clear to us all that the interests of the resistance require Hamas to be strong. What is happening on the ground does not allow for any form of competition among the resistance forces. Hamas has performed well both militarily and politically, has lived up to its responsibilities, has endured significant pressure, and has earned its position by merit, not as a favor from anyone. Therefore, everyone has followed its leadership with satisfaction, and all consultations with it about every detail do not negate the substantial margin of authority it enjoys, with the final say always up to it.

The acceptance of Hamas’ leadership has not posed any danger or harm to the fighters’ plans on the ground.

Mediators, some allies, and all enemies were surprised by the competent management of the situation on the ground. They could not believe that the management of the field follows clear rules with no ambiguity, that field cooperation is running smoothly, and that the leadership of Hamas abroad does not make any decisions without consulting everyone, especially with the Al-Qassam leadership in the heart of Gaza.

Failed attempts died on the spot, whether they were made by the “israeli” enemy itself, either directly or through Arab or foreign mediator, and some “israeli” agents working in international organizations, including the United Nations. They attempted to open communication channels with local leaders in Gaza but were met with the shocking response to go to Hamas. They then tried to open side channels with the Popular Front [for the Liberation of Palestine] and factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization that have military wings in the Strip, and they led an initiative they believed would be tempting to the leadership of [Palestinian] Islamic Jihad, only to hear the same response. Nevertheless, the enemy continues to try to break the unity behind Hamas.

The latest attempts will occur in the coming days, following an invitation issued in the name of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi through his intelligence chief Major General Abbas Kamel to senior leaders of the Popular Front and Islamic Jihad to visit Cairo for consultations on the situation and the possibility of “creating a breakthrough which would lead to a deal the United States wants to happen now.”

The factions will visit Egypt, and there will be separate or joint meetings. It is expected that a Hamas leadership delegation will also arrive in Egypt, where representatives from the United States and Qatar will be present, while the “israelis” will be sitting in a private hotel waiting for the results of the meetings. However, it is clear and decided by the resistance factions that the message that will be conveyed to the Egyptians or any other party present will be much higher than the position announced by Hamas. At that point, perhaps everyone will come to their senses and understand that the resistance is at its highest level of harmony, hoping they will stop dreaming of division built on illusions no one knows the source of, but will most likely reflect the wishes of most of the resistance’s enemies.

The enemy itself, as well as the Americans, Egyptians, and even the Qataris and other parties, believed that there were differences in viewpoints among the resistance forces, whether in Gaza or within the Axis of Resistance. They based their assessment on the premise that the Al-Aqsa Flood operation did not occur after prior consultation with Palestinian factions or Axis forces, and that the evaluation regarding the nature of the Axis forces’ participation in the battle also reflects disagreements. The enemies also bet that the differences within the Hamas movement regarding issues prior to the Al-Aqsa Flood operation would result in a crisis in the management of the battle, and that the other factions would be subject to pressures from the suffering people more than Hamas itself.

The discussion that took place in the first week after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation concluded in favor of opening support fronts for the resistance wherever possible, from Lebanon to Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and launching a direct support operation for the resistance in Palestine, whether in the West Bank or Gaza itself. The Joint Operations Room for the resistance forces, located outside Palestine, leads a work program aimed at achieving several goals, including providing the direct support requirements for fighters in Gaza, supplying resistance brigades in Gaza with daily intelligence reports with precise monitoring of the movement of occupation forces inside and outside the Strip, in addition to an ongoing intensive program to smuggle appropriate weapons to the fighters in the West Bank, and even to Gaza, with a keen effort to overcome the obstacles posed by the enemy’s allied regimes.

The open consultations with the Revolutionary Guard in Iran, and with the leaderships of Hezbollah and Ansarallah, have led to escalating the support operations program, putting strong pressure on the enemy and its allies, and this is an option that will not stop regardless of the level of political or field pressure by the enemy and its allies. The support fronts have succeeded in narrowing the margin for the enemy’s Arab allies, as no one in Lebanon, Syria, or Iraq can prevent the resistance from playing its role. Even those calling for an end to the war are not able to condemn the resistance’s actions. The same applies to other areas, such as Jordan, where its authorities take the harshest measures to prevent weapons from reaching Palestine, but they fear making statements that could explode the situation, despite benefiting greatly from the “lack of political awareness” among Islamic forces and groups.

The interests of America’s allies would have been different if they had a different agenda. Today, they see and feel the state of the occupation army and how its prestige has been shattered in Gaza. It can no longer promise its public or soldiers any safety, so how can it promise others protection services to others? Instead of raising their demands, they conspire against the resistance in all forums. They are preparing a political campaign to hold the resistance responsible for what happened in the Gaza Strip, and they are offering generous funds if the people of Gaza overthrow the resistance leaders. This is the case for many, whom the resistance can only treat as partners of the enemy in its war and its calamity as well.

The position of the resistance on the current proposals is clear and simple. Hamas has informed the Qataris first, and more frankly than it did the Egyptians, that all ideas and positions must be translated into a written text in clear language, and that the implementation mechanisms must be simple and not subject to interpretation. The United States, Egypt, and Qatar must bring signed papers from the enemy’s government with a public approval from Benjamin Netanyahu personally, and the United States must explain its mechanisms to ensure the enemy’s commitment to any agreement. There is no room for a solution without a clear path to end the war on Gaza.

In the latest message sent by the Al-Qassam Brigades’ leadership to negotiators abroad, it was stated: Remain steadfast, and do not be deceived by what the mediators say. The enemy has achieved nothing in Rafah and is facing failure as it did in Khan Younis and previously in central and northern Gaza. The resistance is capable of steadfastness for a very long time, has a precise management of its military stockpiles and mechanisms of action, and it also possess surprises that the enemy and its allies cannot imagine!

Senior Palestinian Resistance leader speaks to Al-Akhbar News