Yemeni and Iraqi Resistance Conduct Historic Joint Operation

In a surprising announcement on Thursday, the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) revealed carrying out two joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, marking the first time two factions of the Axis of Resistance publicly conducted coordinated strikes targeting the occupation entity.

But that was not the only top-tier part of the operations, which came after the YAF announced striking and hitting the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower last week, deployed, along with its strike group, almost nine months ago to protect the Zionist regime from the Yemeni naval blockade.

The spokesperson of the YAF, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, said that the two operations, which were carried out with several drones, targeted three ships. In the first, two vessels that were transporting weapons to the occupation and docked in the port of Haifa came under attack.

The second operation targeted a third vessel that violated the ban imposed by the Yemeni Armed Forces on vessels heading to Haifa.

He confirmed that the Haifa operations came in response to the massacres in Rafah, adding that accurate hits were achieved.

He concluded the statement by vowing the occupation entity to “expect more joint operations” in the coming period until the war on Gaza stops and the siege is lifted.

The Brigadier General also called on the “Arab armies to participate in the operations” in support of the Palestinian Resistance, as part of their “religious and humanitarian duty toward the Palestinian people.”

The Yemeni army has conducted record operations in one week since launching operations in support of Gaza last October.

General Saree unveiled on Monday a locally made ballistic missile called Palestine, which he announced was used to target occupied Umm al-Rashash (Eilat).

In another statement on Wednesday, the spokesperson announced that the YAF struck several Zionist-affiliated merchant vessels and a United States-owned ship in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

The attacked ships were the “Vantage Dream” bulk carrier and the “Roza” oil tanker in the Red Sea, in addition to the US-owned “Maersk Seletar” in the eastern Arabian Sea.

The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) will launch an even larger and more potent attack on the United States Carrier Strike Group 2’s flagship, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, whenever possible, the leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi announced on Thursday.

Speaking in his weekly address to the Yemeni people and the Islamic and Arab ummahs at large, Sayyed al-Houthi dedicated a substantial portion of his address to the operations of the YAF and other Resistance factions in West Asia.

Most importantly, the leader underlined the valiant resilience of the Palestinian Resistance in the Gaza Strip, who have continued to deal heavy blows to the occupation despite their far-inferior weaponry. He pointed to the fact that the Palestinian Resistance achieved a feat that multiple Arab armies could not come close to in 1967.

“The operations of the Resistance fighters in Gaza are ongoing. They are top-tier and successful, and have dealt losses to the Zionist enemy on every level,” he stated.

Sayyed al-Houthi also pointed to the crucial impact of protests in American universities in supporting Gaza and the oppressed Palestinian people.

He said that the US is stifling dissent against its pro-“Israel” policies and imposing sanctions on the International Criminal Court, while also suppressing pro-Palestinian student movements in American universities.

Axis of Resistance escalatory approach pains Zionist regime

As for other members of the Axis of Resistance, Sayyed al-Houthi pointed to the increased operations of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah, noting, “The Zionist enemy has begun to clearly and honestly admit to the extent of the effectiveness of Hezbollah’s operations.”

He then delved into further details of the YAF’s military cooperation with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, following the announcement of three joint military operations conducted by the two factions in support of the Palestinian people.

“Our armed forces inaugurated [on Wednesday] dawn the first joint operations with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq by conducting a crucial operation in the direction of Haifa Port,” the leader announced.

Sayyed al-Houthi affirmed that joint operations with the Iraqi Resistance are “important, strategic, and escalatory.”

He proceeded to salute members of the Iraqi Resistance, saying that the operations would have a great impact on the Resistance’s enemies at this stage of the war.

YAF’s support to the Palestinian people continues

Sayyed al-Houthi then detailed the operations of the YAF in the past week, revealing that the YAF conducted 11 operations in the directions of the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, occupied Umm al-Rashrash, Eilat.

The operations utilized a total of 36 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and attack drones.

“Among the important developments in this week’s operations is the introduction of the ‘Palestine’ missile system,” Sayyed al-Houthi underlined.

He stressed that the Palestine ballistic missile, which was used in an operation to target a Zionist site in Eilat on June 3, 2024, was designed and produced to meet the demands of the fourth stage of the Yemeni Armed Forces operations in support of the Palestinian people.

The tactical ballistic missile has a range greater than 1,600 km and can be quickly and easily deployed against enemy targets, with pinpoint accuracy.

“The Palestine missile is exceptional on the technical level, especially [on the level of bypassing] interception attempts that many states cooperate in,” Sayyed al-Houthi explained.

“Our operations this week targeted eight ships affiliated or owned by [the United States] and [other vessels] that broke the embargo on occupied Palestinian ports,” he added.

YAF push the USS Einshower away from the Yemeni coast

“Among the prominent and most important operations conducted this week is the targeting of the American aircraft carrier Esseinhower on two occasions in the other Red Sea in a period of 24 hours,” Sayyed al-Houthi added.

He revealed that the Yemeni Armed Forces fired seven cruise missiles and four attack drones at the USS Eisenhower.

Sayyed al-Houthi said that the Eisenhower was located approximately 400 km away from the Yemeni coast, however, it sailed 480 km northwest following the attacks.

“The operation targeting the aircraft carrier Eisenhower was successful, and overflights stopped for two days following the attack,” he stated.

“Amerian warships flee and change their course when the [YAF’s] operations are successful,” the leader unveiled, saying that the YAF had been capable of monitoring these movements.

“The [Americans] try to deny the targeting of Eisenhower, and this is due to [their] embarrassment and feeling of defeat and loss of his prestige,” Sayyed al-Houthi added.

“The aircraft carrier Eisenhower will remain among the targets of our armed forces whenever the chance arises,” he underscored.

“The facts will become clear no matter how much the Americans try to deny the targeting operations, and the upcoming strikes will be more effective,” he stressed.

Details of the YAF’s operation in Dhul Qa’dah

Sayyed al-Houthi also presented an overview of the YAF’s operations in the Hijri month of Dhul Qi’dah, which began on May 9, 2024.

He said that the YAF conducted 38 operations in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and the southern territories of occupied Palestine.

In total, the operations used 91 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and attack drones.

US-UK aggression on Yemen enters its fifth month

As for the attack launched on Yemen by the American and British forces, who are attempting and failing to protect the Zionist regime, Sayyed al-Houthi stressed that the aggression “will never affect” Yemen’s “principles and faithful stance” of supporting Gaza.

“Today marks the end of the fifth month since the beginning of the American and British aggression against our country in support of the Zionist enemy,” he said.

“The Americans and the British are working to protect Zionist interests at sea and striving to secure [their interests] so they can continue their genocide without disturbance,” Sayyed al-Houthi added.

American and British raids on Yemeni civilians and military infrastructure killed 15 people and wounded 43, the leader stated.

“So far, the American and British air and naval bombardments on our country have reached 487, killing 55 and wounding 78 others,” he said.

Yemen is prepared to face any American plots

Nevertheless, Sayyed al-Houthi stressed that Yemenis “will never back down from [their] supportive stance toward Gaza, regardless of the level of American and British escalation on our country.”

“We have options in confronting the plots [against Yemen] and we own cards that can exert pressure on our enemies,” he underlined.

Sayyed al-Houthi said that Ansar Allah “will do what needs to be done” to confront American plots against Yemen.

He warned Arab regimes against collaborating with Washighton to aid its economic plots against Yemen.

“Any steps against our people will be considered an aggression to serve the Zionist enemy and will be met with a reaction from our side,” he stressed.

“We will not stand idly by nor be shackled in the face of [attacks against] our dear people economically or militarily,” the leader of Ansar Allah added.

Sayyed al-Houthi concluded by calling on the Yemeni people to participate in the weekly million-man marches organized in Sanaa and other cities across the country every Friday.

Hezbollah continues solidarity pressure campaign

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah announced Thursday a series of new operations against Zionist occupation military sites and troops.

In a statement, Hezbollah confirmed that its Resistance fighters shelled the headquarters of the occupation military’s 91st Division in the Biranit barracks and the positions of soldiers in its vicinity with Falaq-1 rockets, resulting in its partial destruction and confirmed casualties.

The Resistance said the operation came in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and their brave and honorable Resistance and in response to the attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, most recently in the town of Aitaroun.

Fighters of the Islamic Resistance also attacked and destroyed at 3:25 pm Zionist espionage equipment at the al-Raheb site with appropriate weapons.

In addition, Hezbollah fighters launched anti-air missiles at warplanes, which were violating Lebanese airspace and breaking the sound barrier in an attempt to terrorize the children, forcing the aircraft to retreat beyond the Lebanese borders.

At 6:05 pm, Resistance fighters targeted and destroyed the newly established Zionist espionage equipment at the Metulla site with appropriate weapons. Our correspondent had reported that fires erupted at the Israeli site as a result of the Resistance’s operation.

Simultaneously, the Resistance shelled the al-Baghdadi site with heavy Burkan rockets, achieving a direct hit and confirmed casualties. Hezbollah said the operation was in response to the assassination in Aitaroun.

In addition, the Resistance bombarded the Zebdine barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with a rocket barrage.

At 11:15 pm, attacked a deployment of occupation soldiers in the vicinity of the Zarit barracks with artillery shells, hitting it directly.