Adding the Occupation to List of Child Killers is its Natural Place: PFLP

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine affirmed that the addition of the occupation to the list of countries whose armies kill children is an additional confirmation of the nature of this entity and its terrorist criminal army that has killed tens of thousands of Palestinian children.

The United Nations’ decision to add the occupation state to the list of shame, which includes armies that kill and harm children, should be the basis for punitive decisions taken by international institutions and courts against the occupation state and zionist war criminals.

Most international institutions and humanitarian organizations have condemned the occupation state and its criminal army and issued reports on its war crimes. However, the international system has not yet imposed any deterrent sanctions against the occupation and its war criminal leaders.

The Front considered that this decision should be a red line for many countries that still support the occupation and participate in covering up its war crimes, calling for the isolation and punishment of the zionist genocide and war crimes regime.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
June 7, 2024