Georges Abdallah Submits Ninth Request For Release From French Prison

For the ninth time, resistance fighter and comrade Georges Ibrahim Abdallah has submitted a request for release from French prisons. Georges Abdallah is a Lebanese internationalist fighter who dedicated his life to Palestine and is the longest held political prisoner in Europe. He has been imprisoned since 1984, almost 40 years, frequently writing letters from behind colonial bars and refusing to give up his principles. He has undergone numerous hunger strikes during this time.

Notably, Georges’ eighth release request, which came in 2013, was accepted by the French judiciary in 2013. However, due to American pressure, the French government refused to sign his deportation papers to send him home to Lebanon. At 72 years old, the American government considered Georges a threat that “may return to the battlefield.”

Two years later in 2015, leaked documents revealed that Hillary Clinton ordered French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius to obstruct the judiciary’s clear orders on the night that Georges was set to be released (11/01/2013) to keep him imprisoned.

Georges, from his humble Lebanese village of Al-Qoubaiyat, was drawn to international revolution. He would listen to PFLP broadcasts, and soon formed and led the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions. When the zionist enemy invaded Lebanon in 1982, he worked to halt the supply of weapons from Europe to the zionist entity. He was arrested in 1984 following a raid in which French police claimed that weapons that were never present were found, and he was charged for the alleged murder of a US Army officer and a zionist embassy official in Paris.

Georges neither confirmed nor denied the allegations. His position was clear: the French state and its authorities are complicit in the occupation of Lebanon and Palestine. To him, the courts were theatrics to obfuscate the complicity of the US and France in the bombing of his country.

Georges remains steadfast despite his imprisonment. Now is the time to call for comrade Georges’ release so that he may return dignified to his home. Free them all!

“Glory and eternity to the martyrs! Victory to the masses and the struggling peoples.”
Yes to building a comprehensive Arab resistance front to confront normalization in all forms!
“Down with imperialism and its agents, the zionists, and Arab reactionaries!”
Together, Comrades, and only together will we win!