Gantz Resignation is a Blow to Netanyahu and Biden: DFLP

His resignation is a blow to Netanyahu and Biden.
Gantz admits: We failed in Gaza, and Netanyahu disrupted exchange and ceasefire deals.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement describing the resignation of Minister Benny Gantz from the “israeli” “October 7” government as a blow to both Benjamin Netanyahu, the leader of the fascist right-wing gang, and Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America.

The Democratic Front said: Gantz’s acknowledgment was clear that the army of genocide failed to achieve its objectives in forcibly releasing “israeli” prisoners, eradicating the resistance, disarming it, or turning the Gaza Strip into a playground for the mass-killing army, serving as a security depth for the occupation state, separating it from the West Bank, and eliminating the Palestinian national project.

The Democratic Front added: Gantz’s resignation and statements are also a blow to U.S. President Joe Biden, who, along with his administration officials, claimed that the resistance was obstructing exchange deals and the ceasefire. Gantz openly admitted in his press conference that Netanyahu was deliberately sabotaging these exchange deals, including the most recent one announced by Biden. The White House officials had claimed that the ball was in the resistance’s court, thereby providing cover for Netanyahu’s policies within the framework of the malicious and black lies campaign organized by Biden’s administration against our people and resistance, labeling it as “terrorism.”

The Democratic Front stated: Gantz’s resignation and the removal of the liberal right-wing cover from Netanyahu’s government mark a new phase where the religious zionist alliance becomes the strongest current, signaling a bloody political and military escalation against our people. This requires us, as a people and resistance, and as the Palestinian authority, to reconsider the current strategy in favor of an alternative, combative strategy based on national consensus and relying on the principles of coalition and national partnership in managing the battle, repelling the attack against our people and resistance, and our national project led by the PLO, the sole legitimate representative of our people.

In this context, the Democratic Front called for the reinstatement of the decisions of the Central Council of 2015, the National Council of 2018, and the Central Council in its last session, including suspending the recognition of the occupation state, stopping all forms of security coordination with it, disengaging from the “Paris Economic Protocol,” exiting the unified customs envelope, rejecting all alternatives to the Palestinian national project, insisting on the immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the withdrawal of occupation forces from every inch of the Strip, breaking the siege, providing all humanitarian and living needs to the Strip, returning the displaced to their homes, providing dignified means of shelter until a reconstruction project is launched, rebuilding the health system of the Strip, including transferring serious injury cases for treatment abroad to friends and brothers, and launching a national project for the future of the Strip as an integral part of the Palestinian state with Al-Quds as its capital, always under the leadership of the PLO, the sole legitimate representative of our people.

Central Media