Yemen Uncovers Massive US/Zionist Spy Network

The Yemeni Security Forces uncovered a large espionage network operated by American and Zionist intelligence agencies, the agency announced Monday.

Officials revealed that the network had been active within various institutions in Yemen since 2015.

The head of the Security and Intelligence Service, Major General Abdul Hakim Hashem Al-Khaiwani, said in a televised statement, “The exposed network collected important information in various fields and carried out direct espionage technical operations on behalf of the enemy’s intelligence services to obtain confidential, sovereign information.”

The security apparatus reported that the network gathered critical information across multiple sectors and relayed it to hostile intelligence services.

The agency said that the data collection influenced decision-makers, infiltrated state agencies, and recruited officials within the Yemeni government.

The spy network was said to have aimed to destabilize Yemen’s economy through information gathering and sabotage. The network is also blamed for damaging the agricultural sector by increasing pest infestations to boost agricultural imports, thus increasing Yemen’s dependence on foreign parties. This is similar to US imperialist operations in Cuba in the 1960s.

The network reportedly targeted Yemen’s public health by spreading diseases and “undermined the education system by promoting social corruption.”

Additionally, the espionage network provided military intelligence to American and Zionist agencies to weaken the Yemeni army and diminish its capabilities, the agency added.

The Yemeni security forces underlined that the network supported the aggression against Yemen by supplying adversaries with military information, thereby hampering Yemen’s military development over the past years.

Sanaa said more details about the network and its operations would be disclosed in the coming days.

Not the first imperialist radio

Members of the “Ammar Affash cell” (sometimes referred to as Ammar Saleh), were arrested in early May by the Yemeni security services, with the support of those concerned from the Ministry of Defense, for spying in service of the West.

The cell, more commonly known as the spy group “Force 400”, led by Ammar Affash, a spy who has long been on the Yemeni forces’ wanted list, had recruited these members to commit crimes in favor of the US and the Zionist regime, according to Yemen’s Saba News Agency.

According to Saba News Agency, a security official explained that the members caught over the past few days were recruited to work on collecting information and monitoring sites belonging to the Yemeni Armed Forces on the western coast of the Republic of Yemen.

Furthermore, the official highlighted that following Yemen’s declaration of the launch of its operations in support of the people of Palestine and the start of operations against Zionist targets, including in the Red and Arabian seas amid a joint US-UK aggression on Yemen, security services detected increased intelligence efforts by Yemen’s enemies.

This comes after Yemen has successfully implemented a maritime siege against the Zionist regime, despite the multiple attempts by the US, UK, and a joint naval operation to end Yemen’s siege.

Yemen launched its operation against the Zionist occupation in defense of the people of Yemen and expanded the width of operations to include the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and most recently the Mediterranean Sea. Yemen also expanded the scope of the operations to target not only ships headed to occupied ports, and Zionist ships but also US and British ships aimed at hindering Yemen’s operation in service of the entity.

Intelligence operations directed against Yemen through Force 400 became significant after US and UK intelligence failed to discover Yemeni launch sites that were used to target Umm al-Rashrash [Eilat] as well as US and UK warships.

Below are details of the spies whose arrest was announced by the Yemeni Security Forces today, in a major and unprecedented blow to American-Zionist schemes in the region.

Records of employment by US intelligence, and US embassy documents about the spies are featured, and the handlers of each spy were identified.

Spy: Amer Abdul Majeed Al-Aghbari

Recruited to the CIA in 1987. The spy targeted education and agriculture sectors, strengthened American influence over the National Dialogue Conference, worked on projects to destroy soil, promote American products, break barriers, reduce agricultural production, spread highly toxic pesticides, and transmit animal diseases.

Spy: Mohamed Salah Al-Kharashi
Recruited to the FBI in 2011. The spy provided the FBI with databases and maps of camps, weapon depots, security centers, hospitals, roads, and routes. He managed informant cells in civilian, economic, security, and military institutions, handing them over to the FBI.

Spy Abdelkader Ali Al-Saqqaf
Recruited to the CIA in 1994. The spy collected various information and data on the country’s political and judicial situation and supplied American intelligence with sensitive information about security and military operations. He was key in obtaining information for the CIA.

Spy Jamil Abdu Mohamed Al-Faqih
Recruited to the CIA in 2009. The spy collected important information in various economic sectors and provided American officers with all related details. He helped the Americans control the Swift code operating the Yemeni Central Bank and transmitted information that contributed to shaping the American siege policy against Yemen.

Spy: Bassam Ahmed Hamad Al-Mardhi
Recruited to the FBI in 2012. The spy recruited several individuals within the security establishment and judiciary, managed informant cells that conducted espionage activities, and prepared reports and analyses on crimes, risks, and the security environment in Yemen.

Spy: Shaif Hefdhallah Al-Hamdani
Recruited to the CIA in 1997. The spy shared information with American intelligence, monitored ballistic missile launch sites, drone operations, and military and economic targets, and participated in implementing hostile American activities in the education, health, agriculture, livestock, and fishery sectors. He also transmitted the Central Bank’s code to Aden.

Spy: Hesham Ahmed Ali Al-Wazir
Recruited to the CIA in 2009. The spy connected Yemeni commercial houses with the American embassy, recruited senior leaders, traders, and prominent figures in various fields to the embassy, and implemented agendas to divide Yemen at the National Dialogue Conference. He monitored activities aimed at dismantling national armament under the guise of USAID projects and provided Americans with political, economic, and military information. He has received numerous awards from the US embassy.

Spy: Mohamed Ali Ahmed Al-Waziza
Recruited to the CIA in 2007. The spy worked with FBI officers in hostile missions, extracted sovereign information from the Immigration and Passports Authority servers for the FBI, and operated under the cover of international and local organizations to undermine social values, including the Raneen Foundation.

Spy: Jamal Mahmoud Sultan Al-Sharabi
Recruited to the CIA in 2014. The spy conducted several intelligence operations for the CIA, including delivering political, economic, and security reports to American officers and providing reports on military developments in Yemen. He worked as a “political assistant” for the US embassy.

Spy: Abdelmaeen Hussein Ali Azzan
Recruited to the CIA in 2006. The spy also provided Mossad and American intelligence with information on Ansarallah, spied on Yemeni military manufacturing and strategic capabilities. He recruited and attracted local institutions, organizations, and prominent figures for American intelligence. He provided Mossad officers with information, contacting them through the economic attaché at the US embassy. He worked for the CIA shell company LAPIS, where information was transferred until 2018.