HBDH Mehmet Ayvalıtaş Militia; “We Took Action in 3 Provinces Against the Injustice of Trustees!”

HBDH Militia Mobilizes Action Against the Injustice of Trustees in Kurdistan

HBDH Militia continues to hold fascism accountable by carrying out actions in 3 provinces on different dates against the trustee practice of the fascist-colonialist Turkish state in Kurdistan!

As HBDH Mehmet Ayvalıtaş Militia;

On June 7, around 23:00, the 57th District in the Menemen district of Izmir. Artillery Brigade Deputy Commander Kublai Barracks was attacked with grenades and IEDs. This part of the military barracks has become unusable. Our unit was firmly withdrawn to the field.

On May 29, at around 10:00 a. m., a construction materials sales warehouse belonging to fascists was set on fire in the Geçit district of Bursas Osmangazi Geçit district. The warehouse was completely reduced to ashes.

On June 5, at around 18:00, materials in a municipal recycling facility in the rural neighborhood of Kirazpınar in Gebze district of Kocaeli were set on fire by sabotage. In the fire, the plant and the material department were completely reduced to ashes. One of us was safely towed to the area.

As a result of the warnings and acts of revenge against the usurpation of will, the fascist regime and its collaborators have once again suffered millions of liras in damages, and the place where they feel safest has become the target of our militias.

Fascism, which keeps itself alive by usurping the gains of the people all over the world, today exhibits its practice in the most clear way in Colemerg in the person of the AKP-MHP gang regime. Despite all the injustice and lawlessness, it imposes the trustee policy on the people with force and persistence. The fascist and genocidal Turkish state should know that; the Kurdish people, especially the people of Colemerg (Hakkari), and all the peoples of Turkey reject and reject the trustee decision. In the face of this, it resists today as it did on the first day. The people, who enthusiastically held the fields and resisted on Wan serhildani, Newroz and May 1, showed again that they would not bow down to the fascist regime under any circumstances.

The united struggle of the peoples and their revolutionary forces, which is the greatest fear of the colonialist Turkish state, can push back fascism in Kurdistan and Turkey. While the peoples resist fascism in the streets and protest against the trusteeship, we will continue to strike the enemy everywhere at any time! In the face of every injustice and cruelty committed by the torturer fascist AKP-MHP regime in Kurdistan, the security of life and property of it and its collaborators in the metropolises of Turkey will be the target of our militias.

With the actions against the occupation, exploitation and trustee regime, we call on all young people and our people: “The day is the day to take to the streets, to hold fascism accountable

Long live HBDH!

Long live our United Revolution!

We Will Destroy Fascism, We Will Win Freedom!