Report from the Event for the Presentation of the Book State vs. Commune by Comrade P. Roupa

Our assembly, in the context of organizing solidarity movements and interventions for the final release of comrade Pola Roupa and the immediate release of comrade Nikos Maziotis, organized an event for the presentation of the book STATE AGAINST COMMUNE, REVOLUTIONS AND POLITICAL “CRIMES” THROUGH THE CENTURIES by Pola Roupa. The book presentation took place on Friday, May 31 (at the amphitheater Sakis Karagiorgas I) in Panteion, in the presence of comrade Pola: it is the first time that the comrade’s book is presented publicly in the world of struggle.

It is a historical and political legacy for the expropriation of the history of the oppressed from the dominant historical narrative. Indeed, it concerns the historical space long before the existence of organized state power when it was politically established with the imposition, violence, wars, terrorism and social destruction, oppression and extreme class exploitation by the existing state-capitalist system and power. The book references the history of subversive struggles, uprisings and revolutions of the oppressed for a society of equality and solidarity outside and beyond the political norms of the state (in all its manifestations). Outside and beyond the capitalist complex of economic sovereignty, outside and beyond the norms of domination and the “fairness” of the powerful. After all, the political stakes of the book comes to complement the world history of the revolutionary perspective, seeking the ways in which human and non-human societies will create a communal society of free coexistence, equality and solidarity in harmony with living beings and the natural environment, to send the slavery of social inequality once and for all, to the trash of history.

In our estimation, the positive imprint of the event – apart from the presentation of the content by comrade Paula Roupa herself and the intervention of comrade Nikos Maziotis from prison – is the interesting discussion and dialogue that followed. And above all, the positions and critical opinions submitted during the event by many comrades who attended the book presentation.

Here is the audio of the event:

We would also like to inform you that comrade Pola Roupa’s book has been republished and is immediately available for those comrades and collectives who wish it to be in their hands.

Solidarity Assembly for the condemned members of the Revolutionary Struggle P. Roupas and N. Maziotis

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