Flags Burned at Zionist Consulate in NYC

A group of autonomous actors targeted the Consulate General of Israel in New York City in the morning on Wednesday, June 12. The American and Zionist flags were burned in protest of settler-colonial violence, dispossession, and genocide, from Turtle Island to Palestine.
The American empire is an active participant in the current genocidal onslaught, not only by funding and arming the Zionist entity, but with US military and intelligence presence in Gaza itself. The Zionist entity is an immoral and illegitimate state, built on the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and constructed as an outpost of Western imperialism.

The Palestinian people have suffered for far too long under the chokehold of Zionism, aided, abetted, and driven by the unquenchable thirst of American empire—but we know that, through the steadfast resistance of the Palestinian people and the movement for Palestinian liberation around the world, Zionism will fall and Palestine will be free.

source: neversleep.noblogs.org