New Era or Continuous Policy? — Haiti

What we are witnessing today is not the emergence of a new political current on the national scene, but rather the imposition of a new Executive, on the one hand made up exclusively of authentic representatives of the decadent political class, of the dilapidated civil society and of the corrupt bourgeoisie merged into a Presidential Council embodying spectacle politics and a certain form of political delinquency. And on the other hand, a caricatured portrait of the Western powers, with a watchdog of the capitalist system appointed to the Primature in the person of Garry Conille. For, American imperialism cannot, in the long run, tolerate any obstacle to its obsession to rule.

The two branches of the Executive are about the same, with minor non-fundamental differences. As if they were born to serve the Evil Empire, they have but a common vision, a dark activity made up of conspiracies, plots and intrigues. Yet there is no clear and defined consensus on the path the country should follow. It is simply a matter of working tirelessly in the service of oligarchic and neo-colonial domination while retaining their power.

This is not a happy situation and does not give any sign of hope during this “transition” or beyond. On the contrary, it indicates that this political class has no aspiration for change and that it is opting instead for the continuation of a calamitous secular governance that has liquidated the national economy by destroying all industries and wealth belonging to the state. This governmental cacophony has become a national sport that further entertains these mercenaries of the political class who are dedicated to the historical betrayal of the national cause.

On the horizon, there is no glimmer of a new era. There can be no such thing as there has never been any transition. The word transition, which is used deliberately, is to deceive the vigilance of the masses. Rather, it is an unveiled appeal to strengthen the means of destruction. And to be prepared to use it for example, by using the pretext of fighting gang terrorism to facilitate and legitimize their military occupying forces that will intervene against protest workers’ networks for a better tomorrow.

There could be no transition without the slightest termination. Any transition would involve rethinking the way we used to think about policy, radically changing the methods and, more concretely, the content. Any transition that is not accompanied by a complete break with the old system and traditional political practice cannot be a transition but a disguised continuity, a classic manoeuvre devised by the geniuses of the status quo, nothing more.

What will change now with this interim regime whose role is to prepare the handover of power to another lackey regime at the service of the imperialist powers? Nothing! It is the expression of a major contradiction between the objectives of power in the service of the bourgeoisie and world capitalism against the interests and demands of the people. The confirmation of the cake of ministerial power that has just been shared between the rogues and the smarts of the Presidential Council and the Primature better illustrates this programmed continuity, and without any shame or embarrassment.

This transitional parody must not deceive us. It clearly indicates that there has been no awareness within the ruling class. There is no paradigm shift in the governance process, as any transition is a critical questioning of traditional dynamics.

The transition is a global re-evaluation, an approach of collective reflection, a kind of reinvention of new governance systems that guarantee massive, active citizen participation at the service of the country. It means moving away from conventional models and imagining innovative approaches that meet the aspirations and priority needs of the masses of people.

In reality, it is a question of turning the page, unfortunately, we are not at that stage for the moment, since the imperial programme for Haiti does not aim at under any circumstances to embark on the road of a complete break with certain unworthy processes and even renouncing to undertake its criminal designs.

It is clear that each team of the Executive hopes to break the power of the other, in order to find itself alone in complete freedom of initiative and to be in a better position, not to defend the country and the people, but to impose the conditions demanded by the Uncle or the imperial solutions that can only lead us to disastrous results.

This new strategy of domination can be seen in many ways as a reflection of the policy of destabilization pursued at the national level while relying on agents of the political class to serve them. We cannot rely on unscrupulous, incoherent leaders who are deceiving and genuine liars. We will probably fall into a lack of reflection, as if we no longer had to become. What is currently being done in the country is in perfect continuity with the previous reactionary governments which have had the full support of the imperialist powers. The West is only creating conditions for us that will make the country more ungovernable than ever.

Any new era for Haiti cannot depend on combinations at the top of the imperialist, colonialist powers with their privileged allies of the traditional political class. The current dishonest policy of continuity, which the imperialists call transition, is pure lies, demagogy and a lack of respect for the Haitian people.

Imperialism hardly carries within it the words change, liberation, social stability, but violence, insecurity, corruption, social inequality and this cannot change any country, let alone Haiti, nor save it from bankruptcy. Isn’t that betraying the meaning of the words by describing the interim development in Haiti as a transitional period?

The example of a concrete transition, effective in the interests of a country and the people as a whole, is what is happening in some African countries. The history of the recent political history of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger is palpable. Each expresses in their respective actions the true meaning of the word “transition” to ensure a new era, a transformation based on national liberation, the rejection of the old and neo-colonial colonial order and the deepening of the socialist option.

source: Haiti Liberte