PFLP Polit Bureau Member, Marwan Abdel Al, Explains Stalled Ceasefire Talks

The Security Council resolution could not have been reached without the struggle and steadfastness of our heroic Palestinian people and their resistance over all these days.

The resistance said yes, but now they are disagreeing over this “but” and want to eliminate it.

The Popular Front had an opinion in consultations and provided views that led to several minor amendments that clarified many ambiguous terms.

The pressure should be on the aggressor, who could not continue committing such atrocities against Palestinians if it weren’t for the support, silence, and complicity of international institutions and the colonial system led by the United States.

The United States could stop the war if it genuinely wanted to, but part of its current actions is related to Biden’s election campaign as the U.S. elections approach.

The world must impose sanctions on “israel,” and only this can stop this war.

They do not want the resistance to add a single word, while the proposal discussed by the U.S. envoy was amended based on Netanyahu’s instructions to the American administration.

If they accepted the “israeli” amendments, they should also agree to the resistance’s amendments. If this does not happen, the agreement cannot lead to a ceasefire.

The fundamental criterion is the field; as long as there is steadfastness on the ground and confrontation, and as long as there is occupation, there will be resistance. Everyone must understand this.

Even if a ceasefire occurs, we will not rest as long as there is occupation of any inch of Palestinian land.

The next day will be determined by the current day, which is written by the resistance and the steadfastness and struggle of the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian people cannot go back and will not return to the era of guardianship, local administrations, or occupation-serving puppet administrations that manage this region.

The Palestinian reality must be organized to the extent that it discusses the existence of a national unity government and affirms the connection between Gaza and the West Bank, which is crucial because the ceasefire must also include the West Bank.

Every Palestinian should participate in this by reviving the idea of unity through a national consensus government with national reference by the role of the PLO and reorganizing the Palestinian system, whether the war stops or not. We must start on this path.

Now we must face and resist politically to protect the bloodshed on the ground and prevent its negative exploitation.

There are projects to separate northern Gaza from the south, maintaining the occupation in Rafah and the marine dock, which is an American intelligence site, not a humanitarian one.

They want a renewed authority similar to theirs, linked to the occupation, and they also want a separate administration in Gaza, possibly funded by external countries, to destroy the Palestinian entity.

We are not alone in the battle, and there are serious developments on the ground. We call for serious dialogue to come up with serious outcomes to confront such challenges.

Now there is what is called the “Gaza radiation,” first reflected in serious resistance, with this dignity and pride, from heroic Yemen to the heroic south of Lebanon, and the pure bloodshed offered for the homeland.

This massive development in the Axis of Resistance has drawn a new picture of the liberation battle in its essence, giving the Palestinian cause its rightful place and and truth today.