PKK Guerrilla Force Attack Turkish State in Metîna and Batman

In its daily statement, the HPG Press Contact Center (HPG-BİM) said that the occupying Turkish forces were hit by the guerrillas in a coordinated manner in the Girê Ortê Resistance Area in the Metîna region. The HPG said that the first and second action groups effectively hit the positions of the Turkish soldiers and killed 6 of them.

The HPG-BIM gave the following details about the guerrilla actions and the attacks carried out by the Turkish state:

“1. Metîna region;

— On 12 June at 18:30, a coordinated guerrilla action was carried out against the Turkish soldiers in the Girê Ortê Resistance Area. The first action group effectively targeted and hit the A4 heavy weapon position with individual and medium automatic weapons. Two soldiers inside the position were killed, one A4 gun and one position was destroyed.

Simultaneously, another position was targeted and hit, two soldiers were killed, one grenade launcher and one position were destroyed.

The second action group effectively targeted and hit the Turkish soldiers within their position. Here, too, two soldiers were killed, and one position was destroyed.

A total of 6 soldiers were killed, one A4 heavy gun, one grenade launcher and 3 positions were destroyed.

2. Attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army;

— On 13 and 14 June, the Sinînê area of ​​the Xakurkê region was bombed once, Gûzê in Garê, Deriyê Hirçê and Girê three times, Kanî Biyê area in ​​Heftanîn twice, Serê Metîna Resistance Area in ​​Metîna once. In total, the Turkish army bombed the guerrilla’s areas 7 times.”

In other news, in a written statement, the YPS Mehmet Yıldırım Militia said that their members “attacked police vehicles with handmade bombs in Batman (Êlih) on the night between 11 and 12 June, to protest the attacks on the will of our people. One police officer was injured.”

The statement added: “We will win by resisting! Bê Serok jiyan nabe! The enemy convoy was prevented from passing through the neighborhood. We showed our will in the elections, clearly stating that we do not accept the fascist AKP-MHP regime in Kurdistan. The evil thief AKP-MHP fascist regime is trying to usurp Kurdistan by imposing government-appointed trustees. They are trying to control us, the Kurdish people, by usurping the municipalities, but freedom cannot be usurped. We said we voted for ourselves, we will defend what is ours.”