Resistance Forces Unleash Attacks From all Fronts on 252nd Day of Al-Aqsa Flood War

The Palestinian Resistance continues to target occupation forces and equipment in various areas of the Gaza Strip, inflicting casualties and material losses.

Fighters from the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, successfully detonated a pre-rigged tunnel beneath an advancing occupation foot patrol force, killing and injuring several soldiers east of the al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.

The al-Qassam Brigades also announced that their fighters shelled the Kissufim military base with a rocket barrage as part of the ongoing operations against the occupation.

Later, the al-Qassam fighters reported they observed a Black Hawk helicopter landing to evacuate the dead and wounded occupation forces east of the al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.

Additionally, the al-Qassam Brigades also bombarded a gathering of occupation forces east of the al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City with several 120mm mortar shells.

In addition, the al-Qassam Brigades targeted a Merkava tank using a Yassin 105 shell in the Saudi neighborhood of Tel al-Sultan, west of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

In Rafah, the Al-Qassam Brigades also bombarded occupation forces positioned south and southwest of the Tel al-Sultan neighborhood with mortar shells.

Meanwhile, the missile unit of the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades targeted occupation groupings around the Karem Abu Salem crossing east of Rafah with a barrage of 107mm rockets in response to Zionist crimes against the Palestinian people.

This morning, the al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, targeted occupation forces in central Rafah using Barq anti-personnel grenades.

The military media of the al-Quds Brigades released footage documenting their targeting of occupation soldiers and equipment in the city.

In turn, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades targeted occupation forces around the Karem Abu Salem crossing, east of Rafah, with a volley of heavy mortar shells.

In Netzarim, the al-Quds Brigades targeted an occupation force command and control center with 107mm rockets.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also targeted another Zionist occupation forces command post in the area with several mortar shells.

The National Resistance Brigades-Omar al-Qasim Forces, the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, confirmed that they targeted a position west of Netzarim with mortar shells as well.

Zionist media reported, on Friday, that anĀ  occupation soldier was injured after a Palestinian conducted a ramming operation near the Palestinian town of Rantis west of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

The occupation confirmed in a statement the soldier’s injury without specifying its severity, mentioning they were pursuing the vehicle that was used to conduct the operation and that authorities were investigating the incident details.

Video footage showed the moment of the operation.

Meanwhile, occupation forces continue their assaults on West Bank residents amidst the genocidal war they are waging in Gaza. One of these assaults occurred in the city of Jenin and its refugee camp since early Thursday morning.

Palestinian Resistance confronts Zionist raid on Jenin

The occupation forces have since Thursday dawn continued their aggression against the city of Jenin and its camp, conducting street sweeps and engaging in sabotage and destruction of citizens’ property. In response, Resistance fighters are confronting these attacks with bullets and bombs.

The al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Battalion announced engaging in confrontations with occupation forces on several fronts since dawn.

Reports state that Resistance fighters were engaged in confrontations with occupation forces in the cinema area of Jenin. The fighters also detonated several devices targeting occupation vehicles in the city, where bulldozing operations were ongoing. Occupation forces declared Jenin a closed military zone.

According to local media reports, the occupation forces also targeted medical teams and ambulances, prevented citizens from entering or leaving the city, raided several homes, and destroyed vehicles, fruit and vegetable stands, as well as house fences.

The occupation forces also conducted extensive bulldozing operations in al-Nassera and Haifa Streets at the Jabriyat and al-Zahraa neighborhoods, the al-Jalbouni roundabout, Wadi Burqin, and the vegetable market on Abu Bakr Street. These operations resulted in a power outage in several neighborhoods and destroyed the Martyrs’ Monument. Additionally, they conducted a raid on the Turkish mosque in Jabriyat.

The occupation forces bombed a motorcycle in the Jabriyat neighborhood using a drone and also shot a young man directly before arresting him. They further arrested two other young men and a woman, reportedly to pressure her son to surrender to the occupation forces.

Mustafa Hamarsheh, Deputy Director of Jenin Governmental Hospital, informed the Wafa Agency that the occupation army imposed a strict siege on the entrances to the camp. This siege has effectively blocked access to the hospital, preventing both entry and exit and severely restricting the movement of ambulances.

Hezbollah continues pressure campaign

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, released footage of their operations targeting the settlements of Kiryat Shmona, Kfar Sold, and Margaliot in northern occupied Palestine with dozens of Katyusha and Falaq missiles.

Additionally, the Islamic Resistance published footage of operations conducted against the occupation’s military sites of Misgav Am and Ramtha, as well as the settlement of Manara along the southern Lebanese border.

These actions come as the Islamic Resistance continues its operations against occupation sites “in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in solidarity with their brave and honorable Resistance”, as well as in response to repeated aggression on Lebanese villages and towns.

Moreover, after monitoring and tracking occupation forces, and upon identifying them as the drone launching crew, Hezbollah targeted the Metula site targeting them with artillery shells, resulting in confirmed hits.

The Islamic Resistance fighters also targeted the Ramim barracks with rocket-propelled weapons, achieving a direct hit.

Furthermore, the Islamic Resistance confirmed that their fighters targeted a gathering of occupation soldiers in the Khallet Warde area with rocket-propelled weapons, resulting in a direct hit.

The Islamic Resistance further announced that their fighters targeted a gathering of occupation soldiers in the Karantina Hill area using artillery shells.

Hezbollah targets ZionistĀ  positions with drones and missiles, direct hits

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has intensified its attacks on Zionist positions in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza and in response to repeated aggressions against Lebanese villages and towns.

Hezbollah fighters targeted a technical surveillance system at the Metula site, using an attack drone, resulting in the destruction of the system.

Also, using rocket weaponry, they attacked a concentration of soldiers around the Baram forest area, hitting the target directly.

In another operation, Hezbollah announced targeting occupation soldiers around the Ramtha site in the occupied hills of Kfar Chouba with rockets, achieving a direct hit.

Hezbollah fighters successfully destroyed espionage equipment at the Jal al-Deir site using appropriate weapons. Similarly, they targeted and destroyed espionage systems at the Misgav Am site.

The group released footage of the attack on the Raheb site, belonging to the occupation at the southern Lebanese border, using heavy machine guns and artillery shells. Additional footage showed an attack on the Plasan military factory in the Sasa settlement in northern occupied Palestine.

This morning, Hezbollah announced the launch of dozens of Grad and Falaq rockets at the settlements of Kiryat Shmona and Kfar Sold. They also targeted buildings used by occupation soldiers in the Metula settlement, achieving direct hits.

Hezbollah stated that these operations were a response to Zionist attacks on steadfast southern villages and safe homes, the latest being aggression on the town of Jennata, which resulted in civilian casualties.

Additionally, Hezbollah targeted a gathering of occupation soldiers in Khillet Warde and another concentration around the Ramtha site in the occupied hills of Kfar Chouba using missiles.

Iraqi Resistance persists with drone strikes

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq announced that it has targeted the Ramat David Airbase located in occupied Palestine using drones.

In a statement, the Resistance reiterated its commitment to continue striking Zionist strongholds as part of the second phase of the operations to resist the occupation.

On Tuesday, the Iraqi Resistance revealed that it struck vital targets in the port of Haifa and Umm al-Rashrash [Eilat], and other vital targets in the occupied Golan Heights on Monday.

The operations come in support of our people in Gaza and Rafah and in response to Zionist massacres against innocent Palestinian civilians, according to the Resistance’s statements.

Ansarallah naval actions continue

The Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) targeted three ships in the Red and Arabian Seas as part of the operations in support of Gaza, and in retaliation to the US-UK aggression on Yemen, spokesperson Brigadier General Yahya Saree stated on Thursday, as the ongoing genocide in the Strip has now surpassed 250 consecutive days.

The first operation was carried out by the YAF’s missile force against the Verbena cargo ship in the Arabian Sea, Saree said, confirming that it was hit, leading to a fire erupting on board.

US Central Command CENTCOM released a statement saying that Verbena was struck by two missiles, which caused a fire on the ship.

In the second and third operations, the SeaGuardian and Athina vessels came under attack in the Red Sea by Yemeni ballistic missiles and drones, and were directly hit, the spokesperson added.

Saree emphasized that the operations came after the ships’ owning companies violated the YAF’s ban on entry into the ports of occupied Palestine.

TUTOR targeted on Wednesday

This comes just one day after the Yemeni armed forces announced their first successful strike on a vessel using sea drones.

In a statement, Saree said that the YAF targeted the TUTOR vessel in the Red Sea using several ballistic missiles, in addition to sea and air drones, leading to severe damage to the ship, putting it at risk of sinking.

Shortly before the announcement, maritime security firms and shipping sources said that a Greek-owned cargo ship was struck by a small craft off Yemen’s Red Sea port of Hodeidah and was not under the command of the crew after sustaining damage in its engine room.

On Wednesday, the United States and Britain launched a joint aggression on Yemen, targeting a governmental facility in the al-Gabin district and a Radio Station in the Ramyah governorate.

It resulted in the injury of five civilians, including one who was critically injured. Heavy material damages were also recorded in the targeted buildings.