Words From Espacio Fénix in Memory of Mauricio Morales: Chile

Words from Espacio Fénix in memory of Mauricio Morales

In memory of Punki Mauri

The complicity and affinity towards a comrade who met his death attacking the Gendarmerie School, on May 22, 2009 – 15 years ago – calls us and motivates us to raise a day in his memory.

We seek to contribute to the expansion of his memory, to the propagation of his ideas/actions, to the transfer of his life, so that it can circulate among new comrades, thus extending ties, crossing territories, temporalities, generations and all the fictitious barriers that could separate us.

We believe it is important and vital not to leave our dead in oblivion and anecdotes. Rescuing their lives, their war choices, their contributions, contributes to strengthen and nurture our own journey. It puts up a fight against death and combats stagnation, making it possible for us to meet with different comrades, regardless of whether we were close, whether we live in the same territory, speak the same language or walk the same paths of time.

The black memory, as a weapon, a tool; the memory that gives us strength when we seem to lose it, that allows us to grow, in ideas, practices, values; the black memory that nourishes and teaches us, that allows us to express love, complicity, hatred of the enemy, complicity between comrades and the pain of absences.

The black memory helps us to cross the sky in any of the strokes of the kaotic star. Each one chooses how to express it, how to give it life, how it manifests itself, individually or collectively. The important thing is that he/she throws him/herself into the challenge of fighting against oblivion and domination, as he/she sees fit.

We can all contribute to the expansion of memory, in a permanent exercise, where the last word has not been said and there is still much to contribute, to say/do. This fire of black memory is cared for, fed and spread among all of us.

Mauri, tireless warrior, anarchist of action (aspiring anarchist as he liked to say), walked different paths of the anti-authoritarian idea, deploying different tools and fighting domination in every way he could.

He sharpened different spears with which he tried to stab power, its defenders and false critics. Avid in the search for coherence between deed and word, he set his sights on the jailers, trying to annihilate every last bastion of prison society.

That’s how death found him, attacking, eager to be a contribution to Anarchy. And although that stab of pain went straight to the hearts of his comrades in ideas/practice, 15 years after that cold dawn, we are still here, gathered to remember him, to talk about him, but, above all, to dialogue with him, with his ideas, successes, mistakes, with his attempts and continuous searches to keep Anarchy alive.

In this way we also discover that in the pain of absence there is also some beauty… the complicity and love for a comrade show us that death is not absolute, that it does not erase what we have lived, nor does it stop new bonds. Fifteen years after his death, Mauri is still alive among all of us.

This activity does not pretend to be a pleasant panorama, a variety of different “entertaining” acts, no. It intends to give space to different comrades, with their different expressions and ways of making memory, but always proposing to contribute to the anarchic memory.

We decided to give space to the words and reflections of comrades in prison, not only because it seems important to us to listen to them, but also because we want to contribute to the construction of that tunnel through which their ideas escape and generate that bridge that connects them with a brother who died attacking the jailers’ school, the same institution that today imprisons them.

May the idea not die, may the action spread like the worst black plague.

We continue embracing kaos.

Punki Mauri presente!

“Because when in his heart freedom, love and anarchy accompany his heartbeat: Anarchy does not die in the mouth, it prevails in the active hands” -Mauricio Morales-.

Espacio Fénix

May 2024

Source: Informativo Anarquista
Source: darknights.noblogs.org