To the Workers of Turkey-Northern Kurdistan! We Respectfully Commemorate the 17’s Who Raised the Flag with the Call for Revolution. We Salute Them with Devotion!

(Editorial note: The 17’s refer to the leadership of the organization who were massacred by the Turkish state on June 16-17, 2005.)

Friends, comrades;
On June 16, the Munzur mountains woke up to an unfortunate day when they were under fascist siege! In the fierceness of the incalculable fight, the 17’s were falling! Our party leadership was writing the victory of strategic invincibility with the resistance of will in the trenches of war! A historical epic was being written, rising in the spirit of the Red Resistance against the brutal massacre; with the legacy left to the revolutionary generations. . .

As we bow respectfully to the immortal memories of the 17’s, whose epic resistance was written in golden letters in revolutionary history, we declare once again that we will definitely and defiantly ask for an account of the barbaric massacre engraved in our memory!

Friends, comrades;
Our Party has a great history of struggle, which is given meaning by armed struggle and its original form, guerrilla warfare. Our history of struggle, which has witnessed ups and downs, has risen on the shoulders of our comrades who have been immortalized in the trenches of armed struggle and war. Our Party leadership, which was represented in the 17’s, is an important milestone in this history, one of the driving dynamos of progress. They are an inseparable part of our history of struggle, the name of a questioning and innovative milestone opened in a scientific direction. . .

Our partys long history of struggle based on revolutionary war, its feature that offers significant gains to the revolutionary class movement with its rich experience of struggle, as well as its revolutionary value, tradition and ideological-political heritage created at the heavy cost of great battles, is a specific history. The enormous value created by our comrades, who have become immortal in every section of this history, at the cost of their lives, and the contributions they have made have a great role.

Our party bid farewell to its founding leader Comrade Kaypakkaya, four Party General Secretaries and members of the Secretariat, hundreds of cadres and members to immortality in the practice of armed struggle. This is proof of our Partys revolutionary determination, perseverance and persistence, as well as the stability of the political struggle based on revolutionary consciousness. . . While the 17’s are the clear representatives of this consciousness, this persistence and determination, they are a distinguished part of the history of revolutionary war, which our Party does not hesitate to face despite the massacres. They reversed the heavy process that our Party was going through. While they made a great leap forward with their decisive leadership role in holding its Congress, they played a role as the dynamic values and main pillars that made our Party strong with their immortality. . .
The Party leadership of the period, crystallized by the revolutionary war in the person of the 17’s, achieved a historical development by convening the First Congress of the Party decades later. Historical Accounting, which examines the ideological-theoretical-organizational/military problems of the Party by turning to the deep-rooted mistakes of the Party with the method of scientific criticism-self-criticism, was a great development provided by our leadership of the 1st Congress. The face of our party has been structured with scientific norms, the path of progress has been embarked on with planned developments and innovations that correct ideological-theoretical erosion, and a great line of development has been made dominant in the organizational situation, especially in the revolutionary war. With the aim of reaching the highest level of development and making a breakthrough in the revolutionary war. The congress is planned to be held. On June 16-17, 2005, the enemy massacred our Party leadership with a treacherous offensive operation and undermined the process of revolutionary breakthrough. . .
Party 2. The massacre of the 17’s, which took place on the eve of the Congress, has a special meaning in the history of our struggle, as it represents a great misfortune and a heavy blow to our Party and its development in terms of the physical liquidation of our Party leadership. The massacre of the 17s was an important loss for the Turkey-Northern Kurdistan revolutionary movement and the International Communist Movement, as well as the great meaning it had for our party and our history of struggle. The great wave of solidarity in the ranks of the national and international revolutionary movement was clear evidence of the massacre of the 17’s and the influence of our slain leadership. . .

The leadership of the 17’s, which had meaning for our party with the practice of revolutionary breakthrough and the development of revolutionary war, drew attention as a leadership representation and practice that posed a great threat to the enemy. As a matter of fact, the enemy launched a strategic annihilation attack in the face of this threat, inflicting the biggest blow our Party has received both in terms of quantity and quality. Our Party leadership, which took serious vital risks for the development of our Party and the growth of the revolution, was slaughtered as a result of the fascist attack of the enemy. . .

Undoubtedly, this fascist massacre, carried out by the strategic annihilation attack against our Party leadership in the person of the 17’s, was not a coincidence. On the contrary, the enemy, who saw the development of our Party with the leadership of the 17’s, especially in the armed revolutionary war, and the visible reflections of this development in other fields of struggle, planned the fascist massacre attack with a very conscious attitude and with the aim of decisive destruction and put it into action with great military forces. The enemy, who besieged Munzurlar with a military build-up, applied a completely new war concept by using Cobra and Sikorsky combat helicopters in the most effective way in this major offensive operation. Our party leadership was physically liquidated by being slaughtered in this fascist attack aimed at decisive annihilation, which was activated by the enemy with a strategic attack plan. They resisted the intense fire attack carried out by Cobra helicopters with heavy weapons with their steel will and put up a historical resistance. . .

The physical loss of our congress leadership has become more meaningful than the loss of a great organizational power, a loss of experience that is difficult to acquire, and a great process of regression, especially with the loss of ideological-political-organizational accumulation and quality.

However, the tradition of determined struggle they left behind soon surrounded our Party, and comrades in every field united around the Party and took action for the recovery of the Party. Our Party forces, which gained morale and strength with the possessive and solidarity support of Turkey-Northern Kurdistan and International friendly revolutionary-socialist movements from the beginning, overcame the short-term negative impact and temporary shock, overcame the mood of emptiness and uncertainty and embraced the tasks they took over from the 17’s.

After the dissolution of our leadership, the few remaining cadres and members immediately took action and began the recovery process. Party militants were ready to take on the task, facilitating the conditions for recovery. After the massacre, the existing cadre-member component went to the formation of the KÖK in a short time and formed the temporary leadership. By applying the tactic of retreat on the basis of the tasks it had set before it, the KÖK took the necessary steps to restore the central structure of the Party. As a matter of fact, in a short time, the will of the Party was gathered held acongress.

The will of the Party, which embraced the flag inherited from the 17’s, gave the necessary response to the enemy with the 2nd Congress of the Party. The enthusiasm of the enemy, who rejoiced by shoutingWe are finished, led to the successful 2nd Division in a short time. He was left in the lurch with his congressional mandate. . .

Our Party continues its progress and makes progress on the basis of a series of successful works carried out in the general activities of the Party and the practice of revolutionary struggle, especially the Party congresses held in the following years.

However, despite all the progress and developments, our Party, which has not been able to fully fill the void of the 17’s, is clearly experiencing the great pains and effects of this heavy process on the basis of ideological-political-organizational inadequacies. On the other hand, our Party has carried out important studies with the scientific method and determined will it inherited from the 17’s and has made a path that cannot be underestimated in the development of the struggle. The scientific path opened by the 17’s continues to be a light for our Party.

Our Party continues its Communist march with the determination to carry the struggle for political power to victory and shoulders the tasks of the class struggle without hesitation. Our Party is aware that commemorating the 17’s is about embracing our revolutionary duties and responsibilities, and in the final analysis, about carrying out the revolution

On this occasion, we once again bow down to the immortal memories of the 17’s and reaffirm our commitment to the revolution in order to realize its revolutionary ideals. . . .

* From Vartinik to Mercan, from İbrahim to Yılmaz, from TKP (ML) to MKP, this history is ours, glory to our party history!

* The 17’s Are A Call For Revolution Locked On Communism!

* Long live the Socialist Peoples War!

Central Committee/Political Bureau

June 2024