PFLP Denounces Zionist Crimes in Rafah

The enemy burned the departures hall at the Rafah crossing as a retaliatory step after the heavy losses it suffered.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the occupation’s burning of the departures hall at the Rafah crossing, coinciding with similar crimes against homes and infrastructure in Rafah, is a retaliatory step that reflects the extent of the confusion and impotence of the occupation army after the heavy losses it suffered in the city and the deadly ambushes carried out by the valiant resistance in the city’s neighborhoods and alleys. .
The Front considered that this crime is only a new episode in a long series of crimes committed by the enemy against our Palestinian people, whose goal is to perpetuate the policy of siege, closure and starvation after the failure of its military options and its inability to achieve any field achievements on the ground.
The Front stressed that the crime of burning the departures hall at the crossing would not have been committed without direct American support and international complicity, which gave the occupation a green light to wage a systematic war of starvation by continuing to close the crossings and preventing the entry of urgent relief aid, especially to our people in the northern Gaza Strip.
The Front concluded by stressing that no matter how much the occupation continues its crimes of killing, siege, and starvation, the will of the Palestinian people will remain difficult to be broken or uprooted, and it will inevitably triumph over this cowardly and defeated Zionist enemy.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Information Department


The targeting of aid providing personnel by the occupation is a new war crime that reflects the brutality of the occupation and its adoption of a policy of starvation against our people.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the occupation’s targeting of personnel providing humanitarian aid east of the city of Rafah, which led to the martyrdom and injury of dozens, is a new war crime that clearly demonstrates the extent of the brutality committed by the occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip.

The Front considered that this new and repeated crime is clear and blatant evidence of the fascism of the occupation and its constant thirst for Palestinian blood, and its disregard for human values ​​and international laws. Whoever is not killed by direct bombing will be killed by the policy of starvation and siege, and the systematic and deliberate targeting of relief convoys.

The Front stressed that the direct American participation in the war of genocide against our people, and the continued support for the occupation with all internationally prohibited weapons, as well as the complicity of the international community, contributed to the occupation continuing to commit these crimes without accountability or oversight, and emboldened it even more to systematically target aid convoys and their security committees in cold blood, within the framework of the starvation war being practiced on our people.

The Front called on the free people of the world to take immediate and urgent action to exert widespread pressure on the occupation, its agents, and their partner governments in the aggression in order to stop this brutal massacre being committed against our people in the Gaza Strip, and to also put pressure to open the crossings, bring in relief aid, and ensure its access to our people who are suffering from famine.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department