Hezbollah Drones Expose Zionist Regimes Unprecedented Weakness; Gaza Resistance Target Regime With Joint Operations

The Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah released Tuesday footage showing its…

Political Declaration of the Sixth Congress of the ELN

The National Liberation Army gathered at the Sixth Congress greets Colombia and the peoples of the…

Supply of F15’s to the Zionist Regime Confirm US Complicity in Genocide: PFLP

All their claims that they have frozen the supply of weapons to the occupation and that…

Mapuche Political Prisoner Héctor Llaitul on Hunger Strike

On June 13, the Gendarmerie filed an appeal for protection in favor of the convicted historical…

Turkey Stuck With Preparations for Operation in the Gara Mountains

As previously reported, Turkey announced a comprehensive military operation in the Gara Mountains this summer, but…

Lyon Roars: ‘Free Palestine! Free Georges Abdallah!’

Lyon, France — Another great success – after the last mobilization in Lannemezan on April 6,…

HPG Guerrilla: The Occupying Turkish State Cannot Break Our Will

“We have reached an important level in our struggle” Kureyşan pointed out that the Turkish state…

Guerrillas Protect Their Territory and the Honour of the Kurdish People

The history of the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle is full of resistance and epics. For half a…

The Changes in Zapatista Autonomy

Fourth text in the series dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the uprising of the Zapatista…