Mapuche Political Prisoner Héctor Llaitul on Hunger Strike

On June 13, the Gendarmerie filed an appeal for protection in favor of the convicted historical spokesman of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco (CAM), Héctor Llaitul, because of the liquid hunger strike that the community member began on June 3 in the prison of Concepción, where he is being held after a flawed trial full of irregularities in violations of freedom of expression and the use of protected witnesses, both procedures contrary to Article 169 of the ILO regarding the rights of indigenous peoples, signed by the Chilean State.

Héctor Llaitul’s strike seeks to obtain the nullity of the flawed trial that sentenced him to 23 years in prison, denounce the political persecution of his sons Ernesto and Pelantaro, and demand dignified prison conditions for Mapuche political prisoners.

What the regional director of the Gendarmerie, Colonel Mario Palavecinos, is asking the justice system to do is to allow Llaitul to be transferred to a hospital, in case his health is complicated due to the hunger strike.

Among the arguments of the legal action of the uniformed officers, already declared admissible by the Court of Appeals of Concepción, it is pointed out that at the beginning of the strike the leader of the Coordinadora Arauco Malleco weighed 96 kilos, presenting on June 11 a decrease of 8 kilos.

Likewise, the network of relatives and friends of Héctor Llaitul, convened on this Monday, June 17, at 09:00 hrs, outside the Supreme Court to go in support of the spokesman Héctor Llaitul Carrillanca, to amplify the demand for the nullity of his trial, dignified prison conditions and the freedom of his children and all the PPM-CAM.

SOURCE: Liberatión cl

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