Supply of F15’s to the Zionist Regime Confirm US Complicity in Genocide: PFLP

All their claims that they have frozen the supply of weapons to the occupation and that they are seeking a ceasefire in Gaza are deceptive and misleading.

America’s desire to supply the occupation with dozens of F15 planes once again confirms that it is leading the genocide war.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirms that the deal for the zionist entity to obtain dozens of highly advanced F15 aircraft under pressure from war criminal Biden once again confirms that the American administration is indeed leading the genocide war against our Palestinian people.

The Front emphasizes that the approval of members of Congress from the Democratic Party to sign the aircraft sale deal worth 18 billion dollars under intense pressure from the Biden administration reveals that all claims by the American administration that it has frozen the decision to supply weapons to the occupation or its desire to cease fire in the Gaza Strip are misleading claims aimed at deceiving public opinion inside and outside America. They are meant to create the illusion that this administration is making efforts to cease fire and improve the humanitarian situation in the Strip for purely electoral calculations and within the framework of the unlimited support for the zionist entity and the endorsement of its war crimes.

The Front explained that all the facts on the ground, as well as the statements and behavior of the American administration since the beginning of the war until now, confirm that it is relentlessly continuing to support the zionist genocide war against the Strip and that all its lies and political maneuvers aim to improve its criminal image in front of the world after its true nature as a complicit entity supporting genocide has been exposed.

The Front calls on the free people in America to continue the angry mass movements within America to overthrow war criminal Biden in the upcoming elections and, on the other hand, to pressure to stop the zionist genocide war on the Strip and prevent the flow of weapons to the entity.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
June 18, 2024