Jenin Brigade Announces the “Fury of the Free” Operation

With Allah’s power and strength, we announce the “Fury of the Free” operation in response to the aggression and incursion of the occupation forces in the city of Jenin. We affirm the continuation of our fight, and assure our people and the resisting masses that the morale of our fighters is at its best and the hand of our fighters will remain supreme in the field, Allah willing. What the enemy has seen is just a small part of what our fighters have prepared.
Our jihad continues and our weapons are open in all fields.
Monday, 19/June/2023

Note: As the Fury of the Free rages on, at least five Zionist soldiers are wounded. Resistance fighters target the Apache helicopters flying over the camp as the Red Star of David treats a number of wounded soldiers, including those burned inside the exploded vehicles.

The “Fury of the Free”, as it has been coined by Saraya Al-Quds – Jenin Brigade, has led to the complete withdrawal of occupation forces.

Occupation forces have withdrawn from Jenin humiliated, dragging countless damaged vehicles away from the city and losing others completely to the resistance.
The Palestinian resistance fought a valiant battle for over 10 hours, employing new explosives which made death traps out of the occupation’s precious armored vehicles. With scenes of valiance rarely seen in all of history, fighters advanced to press the invading soldiers and trap them in ambush after ambush. They faced infantry soldiers, APCs, and Apache helicopters, unwavering. The battle was the most intense since the 2002 Battle of Jenin. Footage proves that there are far more than the seven wounded soldiers the occupation has admitted to.
Five Palestinian martyrs ascended in this glorious battle, all five holding their heads high in defiance of the subjugation the occupation fails yet again to enforce upon them. Their bodies will be exalted with all pride and joy in the coming hours.
Glory to the martyrs.
Glory to the steadfast resistance.

Glory to the Fury of the Free.