Yemen Sinks Cargo Ship in the Red Sea; Hezbollah Underlines Importance of Support Front

Maritime sources confirmed to that clashes have been persisting in the Red Sea, and did not stop throughout the days of Eid in the last 72 hours. Precise operations have continued targeting US and British military ships for several days.

Recently, the Yemeni Armed Forces sunk the “Tutor” ship. They announced on Sunday a series of three operations, targeting a US warship and two other ships, dedicating these to the Palestinian people and their resistance on the occasion of Eid and promising to sink more ships.

Sanaa has sent warning messages to international shipping companies, warning them of the consequences of breaking the Yemeni siege on the zionist entity, whether in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, or Indian Ocean.

American-British warplanes bombed Kamaran Island for the first time in response to the Yemeni escalation, as well as Hodeidah airport. The US also imposed new sanctions on nine individuals and entities, blaming them Ansarallah’s developed capabilities; some of the sanctioned are based in China, reflecting a state of confusion for the US, who accused Iran of supplying Ansarallah for years. A military source stated that Yemen has the right to buy what it needs to develop its defensive capabilities, stating that sanctions will not affect Yemeni capabilities or the Yemeni position.

Yemeni statement on sinking of the ship Tutor

The ship TUTOR was targeted after a ship belonging to its company “Evalendar Shipping Co SA” violated the ban and entered the occupied port of Haifa.

An email was sent to the company informing them that one of their ships, named SHIMANAMI STAR, violated the ban, and they were warned.

The ship TUTOR turned off the AIS international identification system while passing through the Red Sea.

Several naval weapons were used in the targeting and sinking of the ship TUTOR, including weapons used for the first time.

We urge all maritime companies to take our warnings seriously, or they will bear full responsibility for the safety of ships and crews.

We will not hesitate to use all means and naval weapons to support our brother fighters in Gaza, as part of the Armed Forces’ operations.

The American-British aggressions will not stop our support operations for Gaza, and every aggression will be met with a stronger response and severe strikes, with Allah’s help.

Hezbollah speech details direction of conflict

Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in his speech during the memorial ceremony honoring Taleb Sami Abdallah, “Hajj Abu Taleb.” The entire speech is presented below.

We extend our thanks to everyone who sent messages, called, or issued statements expressing their condolences. I also extend my congratulations to the family of martyr Abu Taleb individually on the martyrdom of Hajj and offer condolences for his loss.

We also extend our condolences to the families of the fighters who were martyred with Hajj Abu Taleb, and to these brothers from Hajj’s team who were always directly with him.

The stance of the martyrs’ families in terms of patience, satisfaction, and declaring determination to continue making sacrifices is honorable.

Martyrdom in the Islamic understanding is happiness, good news, divine selection, and a divine privilege. Therefore, martyrdom is a great victory and a decisive triumph.

Martyrdom is a victory and triumph, it is not defeat or death. This is the strength in the fronts of resistance and its arenas. The most dangerous thing the enemy faces is that those who fight in the fields carry this belief and faith. Therefore, we see this patience and satisfaction among the families of the martyrs.

Our path has the ability to endure in resistance, in the resistance environment, and in the fighting human masses. Despite losing these martyrs, our flag never falls, nor does any position or weakness infiltrate us. With these realities, Martyr Abu Taleb joined the resistance.

Martyr Abu Taleb began as an ordinary fighter like everyone else and quickly advanced due to his spirit.

Abu Taleb was a commander of the Siddiqine front in his early youth. In 1992, he was part of the jihad cadre that went to Bosnia.

Before 2000, he was responsible for the Bint Jbeil front in resistance operations and a front commander during the July War in 2006. After that, in 2016, he became the head of the Nasr unit until the moment of his martyrdom.

There is no doubt that our loss of Hajj is great, but we are consoled by the fact that they passed as martyrs and achieved their highest aspirations, leaving behind those who carry the same spirit, determination, and mind. Therefore, the resistance’s response to the assassination was significant, to tell the enemy that this unit, which you killed some of its officials, has become more determined to confront the enemy.

Abu Taleb was the first field commander who opened the front in support of Gaza.

This battle on the Lebanese front played a major role in the broader confrontation, continuing to inflict material, moral, and psychological losses on the enemy while making sacrifices.

One of the clearest indications of the Lebanese front’s effectiveness is the screams, threats, and intimidation we hear from the enemy’s leaders, officials, and settlers. If it were not effective, why would the world intervene to separate it from the Gaza front? We would not have heard their screaming and wailing.

Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood, there has been a media machine whose function is to belittle the support fronts and what is happening in Gaza.

42 settlements have been completely evacuated, and life has been disrupted in other settlements.

According to enemy leaders, the Lebanon front has occupied more than 100,000 soldiers and several brigades of the enemy forces, while the enemy is in need of forces in Gaza, the West Bank, and Rafah.

A senior “israeli” leader said that without this front, “there would have been enough forces to defeat Gaza.”

We continue to inflict human, material, and psychological losses on the enemy.

The Lebanon front has prevented enemy forces from participating in Gaza, including elite forces, due to the enemy’s fear of the resistance entering the Al-Jalil, which remains a possibility if a war is imposed on Lebanon.

The “israeli” enemy does not acknowledge its losses on the northern front in order not to put pressure on the government and Netanyahu, who considers the war on Gaza his top priority.

Part of the enemy’s media and psychological warfare is not acknowledging its dead and losses, while the war media publishes the operations.

Achievements include displacing settlers and disrupting industry, agriculture, and tourism in the north, given its significance.

Another achievement is that, for the first time in the history of the occupation (since 1948), a security belt has been formed in the entity.

The enemy fears that things might escalate into a war, which strongly affects the Gaza front and forces it to economize on ammunition.

The image of the “israeli” army and its credibility have been shattered.

Our front and other fronts are strongly present at the negotiation table, where specific outcomes are sought.

The American fleets that came to the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea to prevent Yemenis from targeting “israeli” ships have failed to protect these ships or those heading to the entity, despite all their capabilities. This is a significant failure for the two most important naval fleets in the world.

The “israeli” enemy, unable to fight on these fronts, has left the Yemen front to the British and Americans.

The Iraq front significantly depletes “israeli” air defenses and regional air defenses, and the “israeli” enemy does not acknowledge the incoming missiles and drones.

The occupation has failed against the sacrifices of the honorable people and the resistance fighters in Gaza and Rafah.

The occupation considers that eliminating four brigades in Rafah constitutes an absolute victory. This is deceitful and not a true victory.

The enemy is chasing a false and fabricated victory that has no reality, merely to present it to its audience as a win.

We are witnessing a very significant truth being written by Gaza and the West Bank, causing enormous losses to the entity.

The enemy entity has suffered enormous human and strategic losses, which it will eventually be unable to conceal. There are 8,636 disabled individuals according to official statistics, so what about the number of dead and wounded?

I met with Haj Abu Taleb before his martyrdom, and he explained to me in exhaustive detail about the frontline positions we have extensive information on. The enemy knows this and has evacuated these positions, but not completely due to fear of losing control over them.

Striking these positions resulted in enemy soldiers being killed and injured, forcing them to spread out around the sites, which means gathering new information. The resistance was able to gather this information to the extent that we even know where their tent is located.

The enemy was forced to evacuate its bases and went on to establish new ones behind the mountains. They did not anticipate the drones, but by the grace of Allah, our “Hudhud” provides us with information, and we target them with “the soaring birds.”

There are no electronic and technical barriers on the borders like those on the borders of Lebanon and Gaza. Therefore, in the past four months, the resistance in Lebanon has been working to blind the enemy and close its ears, and now we are capable of striking the “Meron” base whenever we want.

We will not spare anything we can reach, and we have a vast amount of information. What was published yesterday was selectively minutes from Haifa, while the drone flew for hours.

Some in the enemy entity claimed that Hezbollah has spies in Haifa to obtain the footage. But what will they say when the resistance later releases episodes from the second, third, and fourth cities?

We have long hours of footage of Haifa and its surroundings, before and after Haifa. Our resistance fights based on vision and information.

We have fought with a portion of our weapons so far and acquired new weapons that will appear on the battlefield. We have developed our weapons and used new ones in this battle. We have a large number of drones because we manufacture them. We also manufacture types of rockets that we require.

We have an unprecedented human force for the resistance. A few years back, we said 100,000 [fighters] even though they were more, now we have way beyond that.

A lot of our friends in the Axis offered to send tens and hundreds of thousands of fighters to Lebanon. We thanked them but informed them that there is no need. We have sufficient and motivated human capacity. The number of fighters that we have is beyond the number needed for this battle, even with the theory of an all-out war.

The enemy tried to wage for years a “battle between wars” in Syria, targeting our Syrian brothers, our Iranian brothers, striking what they think are weapons and technology convoys for the capabilities of the resistance. 8 months as of today, and our front says to the enemy: all of this “battle between wars” that you attempted over years has failed. All of the weapons intended to reach Lebanon have reached Lebanon.

All of the enemy and mediators’ threats and warnings about a war on Lebanon do not scare us. They have sent over 200 threats over 8 months…The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst of days. The enemy knows well what awaits them. They were deterred for 9 months due to our unprecedented actions…

The enemy knows that there will not be a place in the entity forbidden to our missiles and drones. It will not be indicriminate bombing; every missile has a target, every rocket has a target, every drone has a target. And the evidence is the “Hudhud.”

The enemy knows that what awaits it in the Mediterranean Sea is also very significant. It must await us on land, in the air, and at sea. If war is imposed, the resistance will fight without restrictions, rules, or limits.

The Cypriot government must be careful that opening its airports and bases to the enemy to target Lebanon means it has become part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as such.

This is the greatest battle the nation has fought since 1948. It has a clear and bright horizon and will change the face of the region and shape its future.

We reaffirm the solidity of our stance and our readiness to continue this historic, humanitarian, and moral position until victory.