No to African and Caricomian Troops in Haiti!

The imperialist government of the United States has succeeded, through the Caricom, in forming a Presidential Council in Haiti composed of the PHTK and Lavalas, two bourgeois parties which, along with the imperialists, bear much of the responsibility for having led the country into the current crisis. After two years of unsuccessful efforts with Canada, Brazil and other governments to try to persuade them to undertake the military occupation of Haiti, the US has also urged the governments of Caricom and Kenya and other African governments to integrate an occupying mission, similar to that of MINUSTAH, albeit weaker.

We consider that a new imperialist military intervention in support of corrupt bourgeois politicians will not bring prosperity and peace to Haiti, but on the contrary it will give continuity to the type of interference that has been crucial to the development of the current crisis. Even if it manages to temporarily restore some territorial control to the Haitian bourgeoisie in the capital, this intervention will not solve any of the fundamental problems of the country.

A broad international movement of solidarity with Haiti is needed to support the popular self-defense of the Bwa Kale movement against gangs, the cancellation of Haiti’s foreign debt, the payment of compensation and reparations for the colonial robberies perpetrated by France and the United States, the confiscation of the property and bank accounts of the corrupt Petrocaribe in Haiti and abroad, and that these resources be used to guarantee access to water, electricity and electricity. food and sources of work for the Haitian masses.

The Presidential Council imposed by the United States, and the Primature headed by an agent of the Clintons, do not represent the interests of the working people. It is necessary to build a front of workers’ and people’s organizations to exercise effective opposition, fighting for better wages and better living conditions, with a view to building a working class government.

Socialist WorkersMovement of the Dominican Republic 17 June 2024