Numerous Incendiary Actions at Universities and Schools in Memory of Anarchist Comrade Mauricio Morales — Chile

(Chile) Incendiary actions at Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño, Liceo 7 and Instituto Nacional in memory of Mauricio Morales

Between May 24 and 25 high school students from three different high schools in Santiago, took to the streets to erect barricades, deploy banners and confront each other with Molotov cocktails against the presence of (COP), in memory of comrade Mauricio Morales for a new Black May and in solidarity with all those affected by the eviction of the May 17 occupation in Cerro Navia.

Here are some records:


Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño

Incendiary attack at Universidad de Chile (JGM) in memory of Mauricio Morales

On May 23 at the Juan Gomez Milla campus hooded students threw leaflets, set up barricades and confrontations with Molotovs against the presence of COP, in addition to attempting to burn a RED bus of line 325 in memory of Mauricio Morales.

Below are some records:

Incendiary attack at Universidad de Santiago in memory of Mauricio Morales and Francisca Sandoval

Retrieved from @difusionegra.usach

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Around 13:20hrs in the afternoon, a group of hooded people leave from inside the University of Santiago to remember in combat the anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales 15 years after his fall attacking the Gendarmerie School. Also in memory of the comrade and journalist Francisca Sandoval of the signal 3 of La Victoria.

There were confrontations with the police for more than an hour and the action ended without arrests.

Signs found at the site:

-Occupy every space to live in autonomy and freedom.

Down with the Anti-Tomas Law

-Active and combative solidarity with the Palestinian popular resistance.

Attack the sponsors of genocide.

-We renounce victimhood and assume confrontation.

To fight the Antiterrorist Law and the Nain-Retamal Law.

-To fight against the life imprisonment undercover against comrade Francisco Solar.
