The Specter of Famine and Death From Thirst has Gaunted All Areas of the Gaza Strip: PFLP

America and the West are responsible for the most horrific humanitarian catastrophe in modern history, committed by the Zionist enemy in the Gaza Strip.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine holds America and the West responsible for the unprecedented catastrophic conditions that our people are experiencing in the Gaza Strip in light of the continuation of the Zionist war of genocide and the systematic destruction of all aspects of life.
Today, the Gaza Strip is experiencing the most horrific humanitarian catastrophe in modern history, committed against it with direct American participation, international complicity, and Arab silence. The Strip is witnessing a complete closure of the crossings, which has led to catastrophic repercussions on the lives of citizens, and in light of an acute shortage of basic commodities, including infant formula and nutritional supplements. And medicines, and the presence of thousands of people wounded by the aggression and those suffering from chronic diseases who suffer from the risk of death as a result of the closure of the crossings.
The Front warns that the specter of famine and death from thirst has become a threat to all areas of the Strip, especially in the northern Gaza Strip, and areas filled with thousands of displaced people, especially on the outskirts of the city of Rafah, which suffers from a lack of life necessities and a severe water shortage as a result of targeting water wells and desalination plants, and the direct Zionist targeting of the displaced persons’ tents. Despite declaring that they are safe areas, the Gaza Strip and innocent civilians have turned into an open testing ground for various internationally banned American weapons.
The world’s silence towards these atrocities is suspicious, and reveals the fall of the masks of the so-called free world and those who cry over human rights. What the detainees who were arrested from the Gaza Strip are experiencing, and what the prisoners who were released revealed about horrific levels of torture, abuse, amputation and other brutal torture methods. .
We address an urgent appeal to the free people of the world to expand the global uprising against the Zionist war of genocide against the Gaza Strip, and against all Western entities involved in these crimes, especially America, Britain and Germany. It has become clear that there is a Western green light for the occupation to destroy all necessities of life, destroy the infrastructure, and wage a war of starvation against the Gaza Strip. In light of the failure of military objectives.
We call on the Arab countries to implement their decisions to impose a break on the siege and bring relief materials and basic supplies into the sector without any conditions or decision from the occupation, as every negligence or procrastination will lead to the continuation and worsening of this disaster.
Despite all these atrocities, Gaza will remain steadfast, a cemetery for the Zionists and their henchmen, and will continue to fight for its existence and life, and we are certain that it will prevail in this Western Zionist global war against it.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Information Department

21- June- 2024