Don’t Be a Partner in Dirty War Politics! — HBDH

Throughout history, the struggle between the oppressed and the oppressors has continued at different stages and in different dimensions. Today, the dirty war waged by the AKP-MHP fascist government in Kurdistan has reached an important stage. The fascist government is trying to defeat the Kurdish Freedom struggle by mobilizing all its forces. The struggle for freedom of the oppressed rights in the face of the attacks of the fascist government continues resolutely in Turkey and Kurdistan.

AKP-MHP fascism uses all its means to finance its war policies in Turkey and Kurdistan. The fascist capital centers formed by Erdoğan from his own supporters are the direct financiers of the dirty war.

The tourism sector, which is an important source of income for fascism and where the labor of thousands of workers is exploited in the most ruthless way, is one of the areas where AKP-MHP fascists directly finance the dirty war. All our people should know that the income obtained in this field returns to the workers of Turkey and Kurdistan in the form of bombs, death and blood.

Erdogans government has been exposed in the eyes of the peoples of the world with its war policies. The peoples of the world see more and more every day that his rule has brought nothing but war and poverty for the peoples.

Our call to the peoples of Turkey and the world is not to be a part of an action that will support the AKP-MHP government in any way in the economic crisis it is in. Considering the extent of the dirty war being waged and the pressures of the fascist government, in the tourism sector, where the fascist government receives direct financial support, they do not go to Turkey as tourists and do not support the dirty war in this way. Under the current conditions, coming to the territory of Turkey as a tourist and every money spent here turns into direct support for the occupation of the fascist government in the territory of Kurdistan.

No matter what method the fascist government uses, it is doomed to lose in the face of the United Revolution struggle of the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan.

The day is a day to further raise the struggle for freedom against fascism and to unite around the banner of the United Revolution.

Dont be a customer of these businesses that finance the war, dont be a partner in the dirty war!

The methods of the dirty war will be lost, the resisting peoples will win!

Long live HBDH!

We Will Destroy Fascism, We Will Win Freedom!

HBDH Executive Committee 20. 06. 2024