Palestinian Resistance Shells Occupiers, as Regional War Looms

The Military Media of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah – released a video showing vital Zionist targets only known to the occupation’s security apparatus, suggesting that these sites will be targeted in case of a war against Lebanon.

The video included snippets of Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s latest speech, in which he warned the occupation that the Resistance would fight with no restraints or limits if war were imposed on Lebanon.

The Zionist regime will regret waging war on Lebanon, he said.

The HaKirya complex, which includes the headquarters of the Ministry of Security, the General Staff, and many of the senior military staff leaders, was also shown.

A list of the potential targets included in the video:

  • Vital targets in Haifa
  • Ashdod port
  • Hadera power station
  • Ramat David Military Airport in Afula
  • Pengrion Airport
  • Nevatim base
  • Oil refineries on the coast
  • Negev rules
  • Satellite area in Yehuda
  • Research Center at Dimona Nuclear Reactor

This comes only a few days following the Hoopoe mission, during which Hezbollah gathered footage showing its reconnaissance drones flying over swathes of occupied Palestinian land, including Kiryat Shmona, Nahariya, Safad, Karmiel, Afula, all the way to Haifa and its port.

Titled “This is what the Hoopoe came back with,” the nine-minute-and-a-half video captured footage and exposed sensitive Zionist sites. Hezbollah indicated that the video was only the first episode of more yet to come, highlighting that the drones bypassed Israeli air defenses and returned to Lebanese airspace undetected.

The published footage included intelligence about Israeli sites inside occupied Palestine and clearly showed that the drone arrived at the port of Haifa intact. Hezbollah’s drones brought back footage and information about sensitive sites they captured over Haifa starting with the port itself to oil refineries and military factories, not to mention the locations of military battleships and important economic hubs in the port.

Palestinian Resistance shells occupiers

Palestinian Resistance fighters shelled Zionist occupation forces in the Gaza Envelope and within the Gaza Strip on Saturday, as part of their continued confrontation of the invasion.

Al-Mujahideen Brigades fighters launched a salvo of rockets toward occupation forces, positioned in the Netsarim Axis, which splits the northern Gaza Strip from the rest of the besieged territory.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) al-Quds Brigades’ Rocket Force attacked occupation forces in the same area with another salvo of rockets on Friday.

The Netsarim Axis has been transformed into a strategic operational area for occupation forces, who are utilizing it for on-field command and control purposes. The area also allows occupation forces to impose their forceful displacement of Palestinians from the north, while also serving as a position to launch attacks into Gaza’s towns and neighborhoods.

Further south in Rafah, al-Quds Brigades fighters fired mortar shells at occupation forces positioned near the Rafah border crossing, dealing direct hits to several targets, specifically soldiers in the area.

The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s (DFLP) National Resistance Brigades also targeted an Israeli armored personnel carrier (APC) with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) in al-Sultan neighborhood.

Warning sirens also went off at around 10:30 am (local time) in Kibbutz Sufa, a Zionist settlement to the east of Rafah. The settlement hosts an important military site which has been utilized as a logistics point by occupation forces during the invasion of Rafah.

Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades also released footage of an ambush it set up for occupation forces in al-Shaboura camp in the Rafah refugee camp at an earlier time.

The group also said that it fired mortar shells at occupation forces in the Yibna refugee camp in Rafah.

Yemen and Iraqi Resistance carry out joint, coordinated attacks

In more cooperation between two factions of the Axis of Resistance, the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) revealed on Sunday that two joint military operations were carried out with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

In a statement, the YAF revealed that the first military operation targeted four ships in the Port of Haifa, including two cement-carrying ships and two general cargo ships dispatched by companies that violated the Yemeni ban on ships heading to occupied Palestinian ports.

The second military operation targeted the Shorthorn Express ship in the Mediterranean Sea, en route to the occupied Port of Haifa.

Attack drones were used to carry out both operations, with the statement confirming that direct hits were achieved.

The Yemeni Armed Forces affirmed that they would continue cooperating and carrying out joint operations with the Iraqi Resistance, in support of and in victory for the Palestinian people until the aggression ceases and the blockade is lifted off the Gaza Strip.

YAF strike Zionist-affiliated ship, force USS Eisenhower’s retreat

A few hours earlier, the YAF launched attacks on a merchant vessel that violated the embargo on the occupation and the flagship of the United States Carrier Strike Group 2, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, in the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea respectively.

The spokesperson of the YAF, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, detailed the operations of the armed forces in a statement released on Saturday afternoon.

Saree said that the YAF’s Navy fired several anti-ship ballistic missiles at the Transworld Navigator bulk carrier, achieving direct hits to the vessel.

The MV Tutor suffered a similar fate on June 12, after it was targeted by several Yemeni Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) which completely sunk the vessel.

Moreover, the YAF’s Rocket Forces launched an attack on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the northern Red Sea, firing a number of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles at the vessel.

Earlier today, it was reported that US officials have greenlit the aircraft carrier to return home. The Eisenhower will be returning to Norfolk in the state of Virginia, the US Naval Institute’s news service mentioned, citing an anonymous official.