Operation Dissipated Illusion

On this day in 2006, and 17 days after the assassination of PRC founder Jamal Abu Samahdana (Abu Ataya), Hamas and the Al-Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades carried out Operation Dissipated Illusion, kidnapping Gilad Shalit, a soldier who would be exchanged for over 1,000 prisoners five years later; just a one minute video of him was exchanged for 19 women prisoners. Two IOF soldiers were killed, and five were wounded in the operation in which two martyrs also ascended. In honor of this heroic operation, we are reposting Abu Ataya’s legendary story.

As expected, traitor-in-chief Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah condemned the operation, calling for the return of the killer soldier free of charge and emphasizing that is against such operations “now and tomorrow and after tomorrow!” Such statements are in line with the PA’s anti-resistance and anti-liberation positions as a comprador arm of the zionist entity.

A number of other IOF soldiers or settlers are currently held captive in Gaza, including Hadar Goldin, Oron Shaul, Avera Mengistu, and Hisham Al-Sayed (for whom Hamas released a video in June 2022 of him hooked up to an oxygen machine). Check the links for recent developments on each of the captives.

In December 2022, Hamas head Yahya Sinwar revealed the details of ongoing prisoner exchange agreements (watch on RNN here). However, such an agreement has fallen flat following the massive uptick in resistance in tandem with zionst violence. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, in his interview this week (translated here), noted that there will be no deal unless the enemy agrees to all demands; otherwise, more IOF soldiers will be captured. Previous prisoner exchanges have freed resistance leaders Ahmed Yassin, Ziad Al-Nakhaleh, Kozo Okamoto (in 1985) and Yahya Sinwar (in 2011).

The attached picture displays a Hamas poster in Nablus that read: “Our heroic prisoners. May every year bring new Gilad. [Our prisoners] are not alone.”

source: RNN