Palestinian Resistance Organizations Comment on Ceasefire Demands

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Netanyahu’s Declaration of Victory Over the Resistance in Gaza is an Admission of Defeat and an Evasion of its Consequences Before His Citizens
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) stated in a communiqué that the intention of the head of the “israeli” fascist government to declare what he calls a victory over the resistance in the Gaza Strip is actually an admission of the defeat suffered by his army and its failure to achieve all its objectives. It is an evasion of responsibility before his party’s supporters, his political rivals, and the citizens of the occupying state.
Netanyahu’s claim that he succeeded in undermining the capabilities of the resistance to prevent a recurrence of Al-Aqsa Flood battle on October 7th is nothing but a big lie, which even his military leadership does not believe. His military has not hidden its dilemma and entanglement in a futile and failed war, during which it did not achieve the release of “israeli” captives by force, nor the eradication of the resistance, nor the displacement of the Strip’s residents to turn it into scorched earth serving as a security buffer.
The DFLP emphasized that Netanyahu and his military leadership, as well as the American circles that have never hesitated to provide all forms of support to “israel”, well understand that the Palestinian resistance in Gaza still has the capabilities to deliver painful blows to Netanyahu’s army, further entangling it in the sands and mire of Gaza. This resistance is strongly supported by our steadfast people, who are committed to their land and national dignity, and by millions of free people around the world.
In conclusion, the DFLP called on Netanyahu to withdraw his defeated army from the Strip, affirming that the so-called new plan, in which the occupying army retains its units in the Philadelphia Route, the Rafah Crossing, the east and north of the Strip, and the Netzarim axis, means only one thing: the resistance will continue by all means until the enemy publicly acknowledges its ignominious defeat.
Central Media


Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The position of the resistance factions is clear and steadfast in demanding a complete cessation of aggression and a comprehensive withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.
War criminal Netanyahu unequivocally confirms he does not want to stop the war due to narrow calculations and rejects Biden’s proposal contrary to American claims.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine affirms that “israeli” war criminal Netanyahu’s declaration in a televised interview yesterday “that he does not want to stop the war, and that he seeks a partial agreement followed by renewed hostilities” is a clear confirmation that he does not want to halt the war. He rejects Biden’s proposal specifically, contrary to American claims.
This stance articulated by Netanyahu proves he is the primary obstacle to a ceasefire agreement and suggests there is an American-“israeli” game to impose a ceasefire and prisoner exchange without guarantees, allowing the occupation to resume aggression.
The Front reiterates that the position of the resistance factions is clear and consistent: any ceasefire must include a comprehensive halt to hostilities, a complete withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Strip, the return of all displaced persons to their homes, reconstruction, breaking the siege, and opening all crossings without conditions. It also reaffirms that the American position favors the occupation and its ceasefire efforts are dubious and suspicious.
Regarding Netanyahu’s remarks about “the failure of plans for tribal management of Gaza, and his undisclosed alternative plans,” the Front emphasizes that no Palestinian individual or entity agrees to play such a suspicious role. There is national consensus to thwart this plan and determine the future of the Strip.
Netanyahu’s statements confirm his relentless prolongation of the war for narrow political gains, even at the expense of zionist prisoners, disregarding facts on the ground, appeals from zionist prisoner families, or advice from zionist political and military leaders confirming the inability to achieve any objectives in the Strip. The occupation army is drowning in the quagmire of Gaza, and the only solution lies in reaching a political agreement.
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department

24th June 2024

Popular Resistance Committees:

Netanyahu’s statements confirm that Biden’s card is nothing but a trap set for the resistance factions by the criminal American administration.
Netanyahu’s statements affirm that the zionist enemy is desperate and confused, with few options to confront the resistance and its axis. All attempts by the entity to create alternatives in Gaza have failed, and any new attempts are destined to fail as well. They are mere illusions that will sink the entity and its leaders.
The resistance’s position is clear and evident: any agreement for a prisoner exchange deal will not happen without an end to the zionist genocide war, a complete withdrawal from Gaza, lifting the blockade, and reconstruction.
The resistance is unified and cohesive in the field, conducting its battle with skill, strength, and steadfastness, anticipating losses for the enemy in lives and equipment.
We call upon our Arab and Islamic peoples, all free people around the world, university students, and boycott movements to rise up and continue supporting and endorsing our people and their resistance. Expose the crimes of genocide, starvation, massacres, and slaughters committed by the zionist-American enemy against our people in Gaza.
Media Office of the Popular Resistance Committees in Palestine.

Monday, 24th June 2024

Deputy Head of Hamas in Gaza, Khalil Al-Hayya to Al-Jazeera:

Netanyahu’s statements confirmed our view that he does not want a ceasefire or the return of the captives.

Netanyahu’s real position is that he wants to recover the captives and continue the war.

We are ready and serious about real negotiations if Netanyahu commits to President Biden’s principles.

Netanyahu does not want to make a deal and keeps repeating meaningless statements about victory.

We ask where are Biden’s statements and the UN Security Council’s resolution?

We are serious about reaching a deal that stops the aggression and returns our prisoners.

We are ready for negotiations that achieve a ceasefire and a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

We are still ready to reach an agreement that leads to a serious and real prisoner exchange deal.

We hope that the mediators succeed in obligating the occupation to reach a deal and end the war.

Our positions have been clear since the start of the negotiations and we will not concede, including stopping the aggression.

Our principles are clear: a permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal, and the return of the displaced.

We are committed to the principles announced by Biden and ready to negotiate seriously based on them.

If the enemy wants to convince itself that it’s over, let it do so and leave the Gaza Strip.

The region will not calm down because Netanyahu is inciting war on all fronts for his political survival.

Netanyahu wants to prolong the war to cover up his failures over the past nine months.

If the occupation expands its war to include Lebanon, it will open a huge fire on itself.

Expanding the war to include Lebanon could completely end the occupying state and the entire zionist project.

The northern front is complex, and the occupation will enter another arena through it, different from the Gaza arena.

The region is inflamed, and opening new fronts by the occupation will increase the fire and danger in it.

The internal conflicts within the zionist society stem from a loss of trust in the state.

The “israeli” army has lost confidence in itself after failing to assess the situation.

What is happening confirms that the zionist entity is not viable as it is eroding from within.

The annexation of the remaining lands of the West Bank through settlements has been the position of the current fascist government since it came to power.