DKP/BÖG: This is our Call to Comrade Ecevit Piroğlu and to Revolutionary Public Opinion!

We respectfully salute one of the pioneers of the Turkish revolution, our esteemed comrade, internationalist revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu, on the 135th day of his hunger strike resistance, which he resolutely continued without the slightest hesitation.

We congratulate our comrades of the united struggle, the revolutionaries of Turkey and Kurdistan, and the internationalist forces, who showed great examples of revolutionary solidarity by not leaving him alone during his captivity and resistance in Serbia, for this struggle they carried out across borders.

The results of the hunger strike of our comrade, who has been held captive in Serbian prisons for three years and denied access to adequate treatment after his first 136-day resistance, are now on the verge ofimmortalization.

As his body shrank inch by inch for 135 days, his voice and his fight for freedom grew. Through the cell walls it spread across the fence to the continents and the peoples of the world. From Turkey to Kurdistan, from Rojava to Tunisia, from Greece to Germany, from Canada to Belgium, from England to Switzerland, from Cyprus to France, from Bosnia to Serbia, international human rights institutions, legal organizations, lawyers, parliamentarians, academics and all internationalist anti-fascist forces are now saying one thing with great solidarity: “The Government of Serbia stop committing crimes, Ecevit Piroğlu should be freed immediately!”

Declaring Ecevit Piroğlu aterrorist; Historically, the Erdoğan government, which wanted to condemn the Gezi uprising, the fight against ISIS, and the struggle for freedom and socialism, and the Serbian government, which took on the role of its guardian, once again lost in the consciousness of the people. While Ecevit Piroğlu is remembered as a freedom fighter in the eyes of the peoples of the world, the Serbian government is declared guilty of collaborating with Erdoğans fascism. This crime of the Serbian government and its dirty cooperation with Erdoğan will not be forgotten by the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan.

The Serbian Governments refusal to respond to the voice of the democratic public opinion of the world and the requests of dozens of international diplomatic representatives and parliamentarians for a meeting and appointment is an admission of a crime that cannot be defended. It is clear that the Serbian government could not renege on its promise to Erdoğan to be a guardian at the expense of trampling on its own laws and court decisions and despite being declared guilty by the world democratic public opinion, but it is not yet known what it received from Erdoğan in return, to the extent that it could not give up this guard duty.

The first step in the dirty bargain carried out through the freedom fighters of the peoples of Turkey and Kurdistan was the extradition of Ecevit Piroğlu to Turkey. Piroğlus 136-day hunger strike resistance and the ownership of this resistance by revolutionary democratic forces thwarted his calculations. This time, the second plan was put into action. If he could not be extradited, Piroğlu was kept in prison until an appropriate time by the police-judiciary conspiracy and the Serbian Governments duty as a guard on behalf of Erdoğan began. On January 12, Piroğlusconspiracy sentenceexpired and he was taken from prison to a return center. With thedeportationdecision made against him, illegal forms of extradition were tried again. In other words, it was planned to deport him to a country where the Erdogan government could have the opportunity to kidnap him. Piroğlus hunger strike, which he started for the second time, the struggle of his lawyers, and the rising solidarity of the peoples of the world prevented the implementation of these plans. Now, as a last step, they ignore and ignore all requests and wait for Piroğlus death in the hospital. The Serbian government is moving from being Erdogans guardian to committing murder and becoming an executioner in Erdogans name. This means leaning on Erdogans government to take a hostile stance against millions of Turks and Kurdistanis, and it will have consequences.

Demonstrating yesterday by taking Ecevit Piroğlu to Turkey alive would have been considered a victory for Erdogans fascism. Ecevit Piroğlu did not give Erdoğan this victory at the cost of his death, demonstrating that he could not be taken alive with his first hunger strike that lasted 136 days. Today, the death of Ecevit Piroğlu in Serbia will be considered a victory for Erdogans fascism. Therefore, just as his will to fight to the death broke hisvictory of demonstrationyesterday, his will to fight for his life will disrupt thevictory of deathhe expects today.
Comrade Ecevit Piroğlu is a pioneering comrade who has been tested with his life many times in his 35 years of political struggle. He has been on the verge of death many times, including in the struggle for revolution in Turkey, in the fight against the barbarism of ISIS in Rojava, and in the last three years, including in captivity in Serbia, but he did not surrender or bow his head.

History has not witnessed that Ecevit Piroğlu was afraid of death in the face of the historical justification of the struggle for revolution and socialism and the class struggle. But at this stage, his life will frighten the forces that would see his death as a victory. Like dying in the fight for revolution, living is a party duty that requires determination.

Comrade Ecevit Piroglus resistance and his comrades who are fighting for his freedom, his friends who show solidarity, have exposed and condemned the dirty cooperation of Serbia and Turkey to the peoples of the world with the actions, contacts and campaigns they have carried to very wide grounds. Now Piroğlus struggle rests on the shoulders of thousands of honorable people who continue this fight outside and the determination to carry freedom to victory.

Comrade Ecevit Piroglu!

The voice of resistance in the message that reached the outside has spread to the world in waves, has been strongly embraced by the international public opinion, and the dirty cooperation between Turkey and Serbia has now come to the agenda of the international public opinion. At this stage, we invite you to take a break from the hunger strike resistance and accept treatment.

Our call to all united forces of struggle, friendly organizations and individuals in solidarity and comrades is; It is to continue and expand the struggle without interruption until the moment when Serbia declares that Piroğlu is free and stops preventing him from leaving the country.

Party of Revolutionary Communards / United Forces of Freedom

DKP/BÖGCentral Committee 25. 06. 2024