The Zionist Occupation is the Most Criminal and Brutal Colonial Entity: PFLP

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirms that the revelation of new Zionist crimes against our people in the context of the ongoing war of extermination reaffirms that the Zionist occupation is the most degenerate, criminal, and brutal colonial entity in the modern world.

The Zionist enemy continues to commit war crimes of unparalleled brutality and criminality against our Palestinian people, the latest of which was the targeting of physiotherapist Fadi Al-Wadiya as part of the systematic targeting of medical teams, and the occupation army using a young Palestinian man as a human shield in the city of Jenin, and launching a police dog at an elderly Palestinian woman sleeping in Jabalia camp.

Also, the decision to reduce the quantities of food provided to Palestinian prisoners, under direct instructions from the fascist and racist Ben Gvir, to below the minimum stipulated in international law, is a war crime and a form of torture and atrocities committed against prisoners. Likewise, revealing a more horrific crime by announcing the presence of a Palestinian prisoner From the Gaza Strip, the occupation released him while he lost his sight and part of his internal organs. These are crimes that crossed the borders and all human norms.

These unprecedented crimes by this rogue Zionist entity once again reveal the complete complicity of the international community, which requires all free people in the world to take broad action to stop these crimes and hold accountable the perpetrators of these crimes, those who finance them, and those who cover them up.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Information Department
26-June-2024 AD