Jenin: Graveyard for the Invaders

Yesterday, Jenin wrote history yet again with its blessed rifles and glorious locally-made explosive devices. Upon the entrance of zionist reinforcements to Marj Ibn Amer, headed towards the city, valiant resistance fighters rose to the challenge as they do every day. At least 17 zionist soldiers were wounded in the precise ambush carried out by the resistance, many critically wounded.

Yesterday marked 40 days since the martyrdom of the fearless resistance leader Islam Khamaysa. Palestinians and Muslims do not consider their martyrs to be dead. The Quran says “they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision.” Surely, the spirit of the martyred leader Islam Khamaysa was present on the battlefield yesterday. As he promised in his will, “Be surely certain that I will intercede for you, God willing, in paradise.”

The 40th day after the passing of a martyr is a powerful day of remembrance, and for the Palestinian resistance, commonly a day of vengeance. The Jenin Brigade declared that they will avenge their martyr, and today they have fulfilled their promise

Earlier in the day, occupation forces stormed the city of Jenin and its refugee camp, bringing in reinforcements accompanied by military D-9 bulldozers through the al-Jalamah checkpoint. Confrontations erupted in the city after Zionist special units infiltrated the vicinity of Khalil Suleiman Governmental Hospital.

Zionist media described the ambush in Jenin as a “difficult incident”, pointing out that a Panther-typed military armored personnel carrier (APC) in Jenin was targeted with two remotely detonated explosive devices.

The media mentioned that one soldier was killed and 16 others were injured with varying degrees of severity, adding that some of the injured were evacuated by three helicopters to different hospitals for treatment.

Resistance fighters confront Zionist raids

The al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigade confirmed that its fighters targeted the raiding Zionist military vehicles with explosive devices.

The al-Qassam Brigades and al-Quds Brigades announced that their fighters engaged in armed confrontations with the occupation forces.

The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also declared that its fighters engaged in fierce confrontations with the raiding occupation forces.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society said its teams in Jenin treated a Palestinian youth with shrapnel injuries to the face and transported him to the hospital, confirming that the occupation forces obstructed the work of ambulance teams during the raid.

Abu Hamza releases statement

The spokesperson for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s (PIJ) al-Quds Brigades, Abu Hamza, released a statement via his Telegram channel on Thursday, where he announced the Brigades’ responsibility for a major operation in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Al-Quds Brigades – Jenin Brigade engaged occupation forces that had invaded the city for more than eight consecutive hours, Abu Hamza explained.

In the context of the defense against invading forces, the Brigade detonated at least six improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and directly confronted occupation forces and military rescue teams that arrived at the scene of the ambushes.

The Brigade had detonated two IEDs into two military vehicles in the Sahel Marj Bin Aamer area in northern Jenin.

Jenin fighters shock military

Abu Hamza dubbed the event “Operation Fury of Jenin 2,” a continuation of a large-scale confrontation of occupation forces in the city that occurred in July last year.

The operations which extended into early Thursday morning, destroyed a Panther armored personnel carrier (APC) in an agricultural area. Notably, an Israeli military-grade bulldozer equipped with anti-mine tools had already passed over the ambush designated point, failing to disable the IEDs which were reportedly buried at 1 to 1.5 meters depth.

In the meantime the APC carrying several soldiers had arrived at the ambush point, where an IED blew up and destroyed the vehicle, forcing soldiers to step out of the vehicle, according to Zionist media reports.

As the officers and soldiers gathered outside the armored vehicle, including those who had arrived from a different unit, another IED was detonated instantly killing the officer of a sniper squad commander in the 900th Kfir Brigade’s Haruv reconnaissance unit. 16 others were injured, many of which were severely injured and transported by rescue helicopters to nearby hospitals.

West Bank resilient in the face of Zionist maximum pressure policy

The Jenin Brigade and other Resistance factions across the occupied West Bank have confronted near-daily incursions into their cities and towns, coming under heavy attacks by occupation forces.

Despite the fact that several of the Brigade’s leaders and fighters have been martyred in a short period of time, al-Quds Brigades’ Jenin formation still managed to find a way to deal with the Zionist  military one of its heaviest casualty toll in the West Bank since October 7, 2023.

In this context, Abu Hamza said, “In light of the simultaneous and escalating action in all arenas and axes of the confrontation,” the Brigades confirmed their “steadfastness and have moved forward in the jihad, the struggle in defense of our legitimate right to achieve the goals of our oppressed (Palestinian) people and their just Resistance.”

He promised that Resistance fighters would continue to fight the  occupation until it is ended and dealt a defeat in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

PFLP releases statement

Below we publish the entire PFLP statement on the Jenin operation:
The Popular Front commends the qualitative explosion operation in Jenin and confirms that it is a qualitative act reflecting the resistance’s ability to plan, execute, and accurately select the target, inflicting great losses on the zionists.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine praises the operation of detonating explosive devices on zionist vehicles in Marj Ibn Amer in the Jenin camp at dawn today, which resulted in casualties among the occupation officers and soldiers.

This precise and high-quality operation is a natural response to the crimes of the occupation and part of the legitimate resistance against this criminal zionist occupation, and a swift retaliation for the occupation soldiers’ act of tying a wounded Palestinian young man to a zionist vehicle and using him as a human shield.

The planting of the explosives, the precise selection of the target, and the detonation of large explosive devices on zionist vehicles is a qualitative act by the resistance factions in the West Bank and Jenin specifically, reflecting the development of their capabilities in terms of planning, execution, and developing their tools and tactics to inflict great losses on the occupation officers and soldiers.

This operation also sends strong messages to the zionist leaders, especially the war criminal Smotrich, that the resistance in the West Bank will escalate significantly, that they will face many surprises awaiting them, and that their plans to annex the entire West Bank to the entity will turn into a massacre and a drain on the occupation.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
June 27, 2024