Greece: Thanos Chatziangelou – On the Misery of Repression Towards My Family Circle

We once declared that the first thing to die in war is the truth. Today, along…

Yemeni and Iraqi Resistance Conduct Historic Joint Operation

In a surprising announcement on Thursday, the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) revealed carrying out two joint…

Palestinian Resistance Leader Details Negotiation Process

It has become clear to us all that the interests of the resistance require Hamas to…

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades Spokesman Speech on State of the Resistance

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. “If Allah helps you, none…

Revolutionary Notes from the Western Front

The international liberation struggles of colonized people in nations like Haiti, Palestine, as well as Indigenous…

‘Nothing is Over, Everything Continues’ Text in memory of Mauri 2024 from Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sacco y Vanzetti: Chile

Nothing is Over, Everything Continues In these days it will be 15 years since the physical…

Guerrilla Operations Target Turkish Army’s Positions in Zap, Girê Amediyê

A new guerrilla offensive is evidently taking place in the southern Kurdish Girê Amêdî in the…

US-NATO Push Ukraine War to Brink of Nuclear Disaster

The latest escalation in the US-NATO Ukraine War with Russia is rapidly spiraling into full-scale war…

Resistance Confronts Incursion in Central Gaza, as Hezbollah Launches Devastating Attack on Occupiers

The Palestinian Resistance is confronting a renewed Zionist incursion into the al-Bureij refugee camp in the…

The Kuwaiti Falcon Soaring Over Palestine

“You will be proud of me. I will raise your heads and the heads of all…