Mandela of Palestine

Born in Al-Quds, the young Omar Al-Qasim left Palestine for Lebanon at a young age to…

Racist Politics in Virginia: Virginia’s Prisons Operate Under An Apartheid System

Minority/Majority Control Under racist systems of control the oppressed are either the minority or the majority.…

Nisêybin and Geverde Action from MAK: Turkey

  In a written statement, MAK (Milîsên Azadiya Kurdistan — Kurdish Freedom Militia) announced that while…

Fascism in the Times of Western Decadence

Madrid hosted a convention of the global ultra-right, “Viva VOX 2024”, an event organized by Spain’s…

Resistance Ignites Massive Fires in the North of the Occupied Territories

Hezbollah’s Unmanned Air Force claimed several targets on Monday, marking one of the most intense use…

How the Resistance Ensures Zionist Capitulation

The Israeli occupation’s heinous crimes and massacres in Gaza will not go unanswered, and nothing can…

HPG Releases Balance Sheet of War for May: 43 Soldiers Killed, 1 UCAV Shot Down

The Press Liaison Centre of the HPG (People’s Defense Forces) released the balance sheet of the…

The EZLN and Elections in Mexico

The disagreements between the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) and the political power in Mexico…

PFLP Pays Tribute to the Martyr Ibrahim Hussein Abu Nar

With great pride and honor, the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the military wing of the…

NDFP: Zelenskyy Visit is Part of US Design to Portray Marcos Jr. as New Poster Boy for War Versus China

Statement of the NDFP International Office Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s recent visit to Malacañang is part…